An Inside Look at Home Care Nurse

One time in our lives that we all fear, is having to place a parent or loved one in a nursing home when they reach the age when they can no longer be independent and take care of their own daily needs. Unfortunately, this time comes for most children, at some point in their adult lives. Nowadays, that decision is not the only choice. Home Care Nurses are available as either a live in companion or visiting nurse in the comfort of the patient’s own home. These preferred alternatives alleviate the guilt of the family having their loved one be taken from their home, in addition to losing their independence and privacy. That can make all the difference in the loved one’s attitude towards the necessary change. Remaining in the comfort of their own homes is really the most important thing to these patients. It allows them to keep something of their own, and to still have the freedom to come and go as they please and follow their own schedule and routine, rather than one that decided and put into place for them.

Before Home Care Nurses were available and a change of residency was necessary for the elderly, disabled or ill, families struggled with the decision whether or not to suggest this change to their loved one. The first consideration is always of taking the loved one in and becoming their sole caregivers, which many do out of guilt and/or the feeling that it is their responsibility to take care of their parents in return for all they have done for them throughout their lives. After all, our parents bring us into this world, give us life. They take care of us for eighteen or more years, before sending us off to live on our own. And, even beyond that, many remain a constant pillar of support for their children throughout their whole lives. They are there when you need a place to stay, if you require a loan or financial assistance and advice and/or moral support. So with that knowledge, it is extremely difficult to then send them to a nursing home, where some strangers will be caring for them, without feeling extremely guilty. The problem is that in many cases it is not practical for the family to take in another person for whatever reasons, not to mention most will need medical care and observation, something you and I are not experienced enough to take on.

The availability of Home Care Nurses has made this situation into a much less dreaded one. Now, when a loved one can no longer fend for themselves and/or needs more constant medical care, family members can either hire a Home Care Nurse to visit their loved one however often is necessary to take care of whatever needs they have, or if more constant care is needed, they can choose to have a live in Home Care Nurse. Either way, the loved ones are allowed to remain in their own homes, which in most cases, is what matters most to them. Families no longer have to tear them from their homes and place them in the care of strangers or deal with the guilt and turmoil that goes along with that inevitable decision. These Home Care Nurses can do everything, from assisting with daily routine activities (dressing, cooking, cleaning, grooming), to tending to medical needs, and even ensuring the patient’s mental well-being by going for walks, participating in exercise groups and/or daily outings. All in all, having a Home Care Nurse to care for your elderly or ailing family member, is a win-win situation for everyone involved, and most importantly, alleviates having to make the very difficult decision of placing loved ones in a residential home away from everything they love and know.

Author Bio: If you’re looking for information about CNA Certification & Training, we have more great tools and resources on our website

Category: Career
Keywords: home care,home care nurse,home care nurses,care nurses

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