Napoleon Total War Manual Rest Part 1

In here,Napoleon Total War Manual Rest Manual,I will share my in game experience with you. Before reading the further manual, please note that it is my gaming experience so you will find a couple of really important tactics rather than explanation of units etc. Positioning the cannons on the downskirts of an hill is a great way to gain them the upper hand during all the battle. But it also matters, where this hill is positioned itself? First of all, we should remember that these guns must never ever be positioned to the rear of the infantry lines, for they have the most firepower among the firearms, they must be in the front lines.

However it is also obvious that they have not any melee power to defend themselves in case of any straight attack going through the cannon lines. Their rate of fire is not as fast as those of the musketeers, therefore they require some protection. You can place some cavalry or some light infantry to the rear of the cannon lines. For that if enemy infantry happen to close in to your cannon ranks and your cannon rate of fire seem to not fast enough to route the enemy units, your cavalry can rush forward and charge on them. Supposedly, you really should stop the aim of your cannons meanwhile your cavalry are fighting in front of them. You would not want your cannons to fire on to your cavalry would you?

So, keeping your cannons in line with some support at their back, also flexible support this shall be in case the enemy focus on another part of your army you may need to transfer them to other lines in order to prevent any flanking, such as cavalry and light infantry as we have said, would work in your favour greatly. Remember, you do need to, take great care of your cannons because they are what changes the tide of the battle in most occasions. Let us see to it that where is that hill positioned.

Let us pretend it was in the middle and solely a hill, standing in the middle as big as just to let your cannons stand on the top of it, and you have placed your cannons to the frontal downskirts of this hill. It would be a nice tactic, to among the protection you supply for the cannons, putting those units behind them, you should put your line infantries to the both sides of the hill. Be careful that, cannons in the middle can be flanked in both sides therefore, being kept straight vertically to the enemy lines. So, you need to keep your line infantry on the same line with your cannons so that the enemy can not flank your cannons. Because turning the cannons is a tiresome and timewasting business that you would not prefer to spend time on this. Instead, let your line infantries guard their flanks. Also, with the support of a well placed cannon line at the middle of the line, the line infantries would persevere anything.

Author Bio: You can find more information about strategy games on free online games

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Keywords: game,flash,online,play,free,download

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