Electronic Cigarette Basic Review

Electronic Cigarettes are the latest ‘must have’ gadget of 2010. The small devices resemble a real cigarette and are powered by a tiny lithium battery that lasts for hours. An electronic cigarette generally comes in 3 pieces; a battery, a cartridge and an atomizer. The cartridge contains a substance which contains nicotine. When the user takes a pull on the electronic cigarette the device delivers a small dosage of nicotine to the user, much like a real cigarette does.

There are distinct advantages of electronic cigarettes over conventional cigarettes. Firstly, they’re harmless. A lot of people don’t realise that nicotine is actually totally harmless. The bad properties of a cigarette are actually the tar, carbon monoxide, and the other concoction of nasty chemicals. When you crave a cigarette you’re not craving all of the harmful rubbish, you’re just craving the nicotine – so why fill yourself full of this stuff? The electronic cigarette doesn’t contain any of the harmful chemicals you’d find in regular cigarettes, instead they just contain controlled doses of nicotine to keep your cravings at bay.

What else? Well, electronic cigarettes are very cheap in comparison to real cigarettes. A cartridge for an electronic cigarette generally costs around 70cents and lasts for the same amount of time as 20 cigarettes. That’s a huge difference in costs.

Another distinct advantage with the electronic cigarette is that you can lower the strength of the cartridges gradually over time. If you’re a heavy smoker you can begin with strong cartridges, then over time you can work your way down through to high strength, then medium strength, then low strength, and before you know it, you’ll hardly be craving them at all.

The electronic cigarette emits a realistic amount of ‘smoke’ when you take a pull on it. This gives the illusion of smoking. The smoke is actually harmless water vapour, that doesn’t smell or do anyone any harm. The whole smoking process with the electronic cigarette gives you and everyone around you the impression that you’re smoking, but noone would ever know it’s a harmless, but craving-satisfying electronic device, that could save your life.

There are not only different strengths of electronic cigarettes, but different flavours too. You can take your pick of different tastes to match the tastes of your favourite brand.

The device is small enough to carry around in your pocket and the cartridges are about the size of half a penny, making them ideal to carry in your pocket or handbag on a night out, or if you’re short of space.

Adding to the realism of the device is the small glow that the device emits when smoking it. The end of the electronic cigarette lights up in the same way that a real cigarette would do when you take a smoke on it. This makes the very realistic device the best alternative to smoking, and allowing you to avoid the smoking ban in pubs and bars.

The device itself is a little more costly than a price of cigarettes. It varies from vendor to vendor, but the price is usually that of 4 or 5 packs of cigarettes, so the average smoker would probably make that up within a week.

Author Bio: Electronic Cigarette

Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: electronic cigarette,e-cig,review,e cigarette,vapour

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