Is MLM Lead Generation With Attraction Marketing BS?

To answer your question quickly, no, at least not all of it, but unfortunately most marketers are going to have to start wearing boots soon and summer is almost here!

Every network marketing distributor seems to be looking for the magic network marketing lead source that is going to supply them an ongoing stream of fresh mlm leads contacting them with credit card in hand begging you to join your opportunity. I even saw a website this week were some one was promising to teach you how to make that happen. Now that is BS!

It Doesn’t Exist!

Regardless of what many of the “Self Proclaimed” mlm gurus are trying to sell you, I can promise you, it doesn’t exist. I have been around this industry for 30 years, if such a mlm lead source or method was out there, don’t you think I would know about it?

My philosophy on MLM lead generation has not changed since the Internet. The internet is a great tool to help you generate more leads for your business, but is not “THE WAY”. If anyone tries to tell you that they have “THE WAY” to generate network marketing leads for your business, RUN!

I have a course that teaches the 21 different ways we drive traffic to our websites and how we create over 40,000 visitors a month to our websites. I will be the first to tell you that most network marketers need to get good at working in their local market before they even think about going through the training curve that online mlm lead generation requires.

I was the first marketer I know that did how to create website traffic seminars, way back in 1999. We did these events to capacity crowds all over the United States, but many people still perceive me to be a warm market/local leads guy. It’s kind of comical.

You here the phrase be the hunted and not the hunter bounced around by many “Internet is THE WAY” self proclaimed gurus today. Please think through this. Being the hunted instead of the hunter has nothing to do with the fact if a prospect was created online or offline. It is an attitude. I am going to say that again, it is an Attitude.

When your attitude changes, your results will change. I remember specifically, exactly when this happened to me, and it was before the internet even existed. It happens for everyone once they realize how to generate their own mlm leads online, offline, or both. IT IS AN ATTITUDE!

After you get the “Law of Averages from your head to your heart” and you understand that recruiting, online or off is a numbers game your posture will change. When you start to understand that you don’t need them, they need you and everyone who joins your team is going to take up your time, so you don’t want everybody your business will change. As I have taught for over 25 years, they need you. You have a six figure opportunity, they have a boss.

I believe that most of the “Attraction Marketers” who are trying to convince you to neglect the proven network marketing lead generation systems of the past are sincere in their belief. However, I am always reminded of a quote by the late great Jim Rohn “Never mistake sincerity with truth, because some people are sincerely wrong”

The other truth you must understand is that people teach at the point they feel like they are having success. Some people consider $500 a month a success, for others it is $500 a day. And for some of us it is $500 an hour. I can understand if someone struggles in network marketing for 3 or 4 years, then starts taking the majority of their prospecting online and now they are making $500 a month so they feel like they have found the holy grail of recruiting. I get that.

What I don’t get is how they don’t realize that if not for that 3-4 years in the trenches, developing the right skills and attitudes they would have never made it online either. If you are a person who is preaching attraction marketing, do it all online, think about this and mark my words.

The failure rate for those that attempt to create all their prospects online, and those that attempt to create all their mlm leads off line, ULTIMATELY WILL BE THE SAME!

I was listening in on a MLM Lead System Pro webinar the other night and the speaker made the statement we want to turn around the 97% failure rate in network marketing to 97% success rate with our system. The really scary part about that statement is I think they actually believed it. Again, never mistake sincerity with truth.

The truth of the matter is 76% of the population of the United States die without enough money in their bank account to pay for their own funeral. I am not going to change that, your not going to change that, and no MLM Lead Generation System is going to change that. As network marketers and as human being we have to learn to work with human nature, and the way it is.

4 out of 5 small businesses of any kind don’t make it five years.

Most people who go to school, pay their fees & pass their state exam to become a real estate agent never sell their first home. The exact same thing can be said about licensed insurance agents that never sell their first policy.

So what does all of this have to do with becoming a Master at MLM Lead generation? Everything! You must understand that for attraction marketing to work, you must be attractive. There is nothing more unattractive than a fired up newbie who just got off a conference call talking about that which they know nothing about and calling them self a “MLM Consultant”. This has gotten way out of hand on YouTube and I would say it is at epidemic proportions.

You have a choice. You can drink the attraction marketing cool aide, go through a long tedious and every changing and revolving online marketing learning curve, or you can master each of the 6 major prospecting methods that are working right now sequentially and in 3 years be a generating mlm leads on demand.

What are the 6 Methods?

1) Warm Market

2) Local Market

3) Targeted Online and Offline Classified Ads

4) Funded Proposals

5) Internet Lead Generation

6) Buy leads and voice broadcast to them.

The reaction I know some of you are having right now is oh no Dale. Everyone I am talking to says Warm Market doesn’t work and I don’t want to chase my friends and family. Let me just say this, just because the “guru” you are listening to blew it in their warm market and never figured our how to help anybody be successful in their warm market, DOES NOT MEAN WARM MARKET DOESN’T WORK!

Like all recruiting methods, when done correctly each method will provide you with good workable leads as we talk about in the recorded webinar at START RIGHT MLM .

Local market methods work as well and I can provide you the names of hundreds of industry heavy hitters that came into the industry because of a warm market contact or local network marketing lead generation method. Your real product in this industry is people. People have not changed much in the last 50 years and they still respond in the predictable manor they always have. I cannot tell you what 1 individual will do, but I can tell you what 95 out of a 100 will in most situations.

The bottom line is you choose to have a hunted or be hunted ATTITUDE. You also choose if you want to become a Master MLM Lead generator or focus on only 1 of the 6 methods. One final thought and then I will let you go. When you consider the fact that 42% of the American population does not have an email address, why would you want to eliminate 42% of your potential customers and distributors before you ever get started?

Author Bio: Dale Calvert is considered by many as the trainer’s trainer and the #1 No Fluff MLM teacher in the industry. You can learn more about this concept and how to learn to master mlm lead generation sequentially by downloading his free 35 page report at and you can subscribe to his free 7 part MLM Lead generation video training at

Category: Marketing
Keywords: mlm leads, network marketing leads, local mlm leads, multi-level marketing leads, business leads,mlm

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