How to Select a Business Coach

Business Coaches are people who build, support and encourage you in the pursuit of your goals. Getting someone who works well with you is key to your success.

Should the Coach be Certified?

Certification in the coaching industry is relatively new but it lets you know that the coach has invested in their profession and underwent some rigorous study. However, I interact with coaches and have periodically hired coaches myself; I have discovered that a coaches abilities is determined by:

1. Their love for people and ability to interact and communicate with different personalities.

2. Their knowledge of business.

3. Their ability to release their ego.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not undermining certification. I will soon be certified myself. However, I’ve seen a certified coach send his client “back to the drawing board” until she returned with a business model similar to the model that eh visualized.

I’ve heard of a coach who had some success in online marketing even though her background was in nursing. She immediately proclaimed herself a “business coach”, got certified and made a few people (and herself) miserable as she took on clients that had home based service businesses. (The dynamics of an online business and a service business are very different.)

Certification is good but your must look deeper.

Are you Ready?

You may have decided that you need the one on one support and accountability of a business coach, but are you ready to work? Hiring a business coach doesn’t mean that now you’ll find the time to do the work. You have to make a decision to put forth the time and effort. I’ve had mom entrepreneurs who paid me months in advanced thinking that the money would be their motivation, only to realize that they committed to make the payment but didn’t commit to putting forth the energy. Your coach will be your support, your resource, your partner, your cheerleader, your consultant. But she will not do the work for you.

You must commit to yourself before committing to a business coach.

So When you Select a Business Coach you Should Look for:

1. Someone who fits your style. If you’re a creative person that don’t like deadlines you may not be comfortable with a coach that is so results oriented that you’re pushed to the point of being stressed. I know The Creative Entrepreneur can dream on for weeks, therefore they need structure and deadlines. However, I also know that pushing them to hit a particular date, as I do for my other clients, is not helpful for them. Your coach should be able to adjust to your style.

2. Someone who understands your circumstances. I’m a mom of 5. I understand the challenges of mothers; we can have the best intentions and yet one sick child can slow us down for a week. My coach, an older gentleman with no children, couldn’t understand why I wasn’t able to accomplish the 20 goals a week that I would set for myself. If I had a business coach who was also a mom she wouldn’t have allowed me to set that many goals. And she would have remained patient during the challenging weeks. If you have a small business, home-base business, children, illness, or other circumstances find a coach who understands but does not allow you to use it as an excuse.

3. Someone who isn’t so eager to take you on. Time is precious and a good coach knows that her time is also limited. She’s not willing to take on any and everyone. A good coach chooses his clients by assessing whether or not the person is coachable, not by determining how much money he can make.

4. Someone who will offer you a free session. How can you possibly learn whether or not you two are a good match unless you have the opportunity to talk with the coach and experience their coaching style? A free session also allows the coach an opportunity to assess you as well. When you’re searching for a coaching take advantage of the free sessions that are offered so that you can get a feel for them. The session should be obligation free.

A business coach can catapult your business to the next level. But you must go into the relationship assessing your readiness and then assessing the coach through the free session offered. Once you find the right one you will be on your way to incredible success.

Author Bio: If you would like more information about Business Coaches visit There International Speaker, Entrepreneur, and homeschooling mom of 5, Lady T offers free coaching resources for your business success and a complimentary 45 minute coaching session!

Category: Career
Keywords: business coach,free session,coach knows, how to select a good coach,home-base business

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