With all of the tension of world politics and terrorism that is in the world today, it is not surprising to see a show like the NCIS TV show doing so well in the ratings. People are looking for a manual to teach them how this largely unseen world of world intrigue actually works. Who are the people involved? What kinds of people do this kind of work? Why do they commit crimes against each other and their own country? It is difficult for the average person to understand the machinations of the agencies that try to control our own government. This show gives a glimpse into at least one of those agencies.

The NCIS TV show is one that is very well produced which has contributed to its longevity and new spinoff series. This is a typical programming maneuver along the lines of the CIS Miami ilk. You take a formula show and change the scenery and location instead of trying to come up with a new formula. This is much easier than coming up with a whole new idea. In addition, you gain the market awareness of a recognizable name and can save on advertising and marketing costs. With the high cost of production and advertising, this is a strong indicator that this type of programming will continue.

Luckily, NCIS TV show has high production value and benefits from excellent writing. The ongoing story lines between the main characters is spiced up and well supported by new and inventive plot twists. The advantage that this show has is its naturally intriguing subject matter. The inner workings of the military and the government in general make for interesting plots all on their own. When you add in the strong acting and overall attractiveness and sex appeal of the cast, it is a winning combination.

One down side to the NCIS TV show is that it does tend to contribute to the growing mistrust of government and the military. With week after week of crime after crime within the confines of the government and military structures, it makes for a bleak world. These are establishments we rely on to protect us and help control a crazy world. To be reminded each week that the system and the people who run it are flawed is a sober reminder of how vulnerable we all are. If the evening news doesn’t freak you out the NCIS TV show will.

The NCIS TV show also benefits from its rather weak competition in its time slot. There is a lot of strategy and demographic research that goes into scheduling shows. Much this research relies on polls and ratings information that look at various demographic information such as age, gender, income level, and interests. These then go into a formula that determines how many of each kind of person is viewing at a given time. Shows are then developed and or scheduled to maximize their appeal to that audience and ultimately to the advertiser who but time to reach those viewers.

Author Bio: Discover more facts and trivia by visiting Rick’s NCIS TV Show Page or talk about the show with others at Rick’s NCIS Forum.

Category: Entertainment
Keywords: NCIS,TV,television,Show,season,episodes,cast,online,series,drama,cbs

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