Five Smart Guidelines For Properly Training Your Canine

Training your dog is an opportunity for both of you to improve the bond you share with each other. He has a chance to spend time with you while learning how to respond in a way that pleases you. You have a chance to shape his behavior to conform with your preferences. The challenge is to use the right strategy. While there are differences in the approaches taken by professional dog trainers, several tactics are consistent among them. This article will provide five guidelines for training your pooch to be a loyal, friendly, and well-mannered companion.

#1 – Focus On A Rewarding Experience

The experience (for both you and your pooch) is more important than achieving a particular result during any given session. If you become frustrated, he’ll recognize your irritation and it will influence his ability to learn.

First, avoid letting sessions exceed ten minutes. Otherwise, your canine may lose interest. Second, withhold praise and rewards until he responds to your commands successfully; partial success should not be rewarded. Third, end each session with a command he already knows and has successfully completed in the past. This gives you an opportunity to praise and reward him. He’ll associate the training with both and look forward to the next session.

#2 – Avoid Punishing Inappropriate Responses

If your dog fails to respond successfully to your command, ignore his response rather than punishing him. If you yell or hit him, he’ll eventually learn to fear you. Remember, your canine wants to learn how to please you. He also wants to be rewarded for compliance. Not receiving your praise and treats is punishment enough.

#3 – Reward Him With Coveted Treats

Food treats are one of most potent training tools for motivating canines. While most dogs will eat nearly any food that is placed in front of them, your pooch likely has his favorites. He might enjoy pieces of cheese, chicken bits, or small samples of pasta. Test several treats and use the one that produces the best reaction.

Also, avoid using treats that crumble. If they break apart in front of him, he’ll spend too much time eating the small bits off the floor and lose interest in the training session.

#4 – Simplify Your Commands

Two words are better than three. One word is better than two. The shorter your commands, the more easily your canine will be able to respond to them correctly. Longer commands are more difficult for him to remember. They’re also more difficult for him to hear and identify properly.

#5 – Take Him To The Park

Once your dog has proven himself able to respond correctly to your commands at home, take him to a park to test his skills. This will help you improve his ability to concentrate on your voice. In order to earn your praise and a treat, he’ll need to successfully respond to your commands despite distractions around him. Other people, their pets, and occasional squirrels will compete for his attention.

This is a valuable exercise. There may be times in the future when you’ll need your dog to react immediately to your voice. For example, his darting out of the front door of your home can have disastrous consequences if you live near a busy intersection. You should be able to call him and stop him in his tracks.

The most important thing to remember when training your dog is that the time you invest pays dividends over his lifetime. He’ll respond more quickly when you call for him; he’ll be more calm and sociable around other people and their pets; and he’ll be a better companion. These things come with time and patience. It will often seem as if your canine is making slow progress. Curb your frustration and work with him. You’ll benefit through a friendship that will last for years.

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Category: Pets
Keywords: dog, dog training, dog trainers, dog training classes, training classes

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