Export of Textiles and Clothing Trade Support

SARS outbreak in most of May, import and export of textiles and garments in China remains considerable growth. According to customs statistics, the month, the national textile and garment import and export volume reached 74 billion U.S. dollars, up 26.2%, of which exports 6.05 billion U.S. dollars, up 31.2%, import 1.35 billion U.S. dollars, up 8.1%, textile and apparel trade in China export still plays an important role.

SARS in the country’s most rampant, because of exports in China’s textile industry the proportion of large number of textile and garment export market performance gives cause for concern: the domestic market demand, prices fall; part of the China Foreign cancel the normal business travel orders from abroad greatly reduced, in some areas there was even a part of the foreign non compliance, withdrawals, especially for the affected areas of the business, such as Beijing, Hebei, Shanxi, Guangdong exports last year fell 10% … … the face of flutter back blurred the export market, many industry is firmly convinced that, SARS is only an occasional temporary factors, does not change the long form textile industry competitive, the textile industry from January to May of this year’s performance confirmed that.

According to statistics, from January to May this year, the industry completed 356.29 billion yuan industrial output value (excluding the textile machinery manufacturing industry, 90 years of constant price), textile and garment export value 33.357 billion U.S. dollars, up 24.92%, accounting for foreign trade import and export value of 10.78%. Textile and apparel exports 27.405 billion U.S. dollars, up 28.19 percent, the national foreign trade export value accounted for 17.58%, of which textile exports 10.189 billion U.S. dollars, up 32.79 percent. Apparel exports 17.215 billion U.S. dollars, up 25.61 percent. The total value of textile and clothing imports 5.952 billion U.S. dollars, up 11.77%, accounting for 3.88% of total import value of foreign trade. In which the amount of textiles imported 5.45 billion U.S. dollars, up 12.17%; clothing imports amounted to 502 million U.S. dollars, up 7.62%. Textile and apparel trade surplus from January to May 2, 1.453 billion U.S. dollars, up 33.7%. China Textile Industry Association, Du said, each of textiles increased by one percentage point of economic growth, economic growth is 1.93 percentage points. China Textile Import and Export Chamber of Commerce official told reporters that, in the textile and garment export surplus, driven from January to May this year, the National favorable balance of goods, total trade has been expanded to 2.37 billion U.S. dollars, which stimulate domestic consumption has played an important role.

View from the national and regional rankings, 1 May exports were China, Hong Kong, Japan, the United States. View from the level of exports, the export amount of 5.597 billion U.S. dollars, up by 21.73% (Hong Kong ranked second from last month rose to No. 1); Japan’s export value of 5.466 billion U.S. dollars, up by 11.5 1%; the amount of 3.102 billion U.S. dollars of U.S. exports, an increase of 39.24%. On the amount of the three major exporting countries and regions, a total of 14.164 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for the total textile and apparel exports 51.68%. January to May on China’s textile export limits to export growth than non limits areas, limiting the region’s exports 6.557 billion U.S. dollars, up 38.74%, non regional export restrictions 20.848 billion U.S. dollars, up 25.71%. In particular, I have the CIS, Africa, Southeast Asia and other countries and regions, the export hit a record high, on the basis of growth in the last year, from January to May this year, the increase in more than 50%, China’s textile and garment enterprises to develop the international market, the growing capacity of enhanced.

SARS outbreak in most of May, China’s textile and apparel imports and exports continued to maintain a significant growth momentum, according to customs statistics, the month, the national textile and garment import and export volume reached 74 billion U.S. dollars, up 26.2%, of which exports 6.05 billion U.S. dollars, up growth of 31.2%, import 1.35 billion U.S. dollars, up 8.1%, while May is the most serious period of SARS, but from the same month of the textile and apparel trade data shows that the effect is not prominent. And 5 months old textile and apparel exports of view, there are several features of concern.The fastest growing import and export of general trade. According to the China Textile Import and Export Chamber of Commerce statistics, 1 5 months, a major textile and apparel exports in the way of trade, import and export of general trade of the fastest growing, an increase of respectively 62.2% and 36.9%. Export trade was 65.8%; processing trade increased by 1 3.1%, accounting for 32.6% share of imports increased by 8%, accounting for 89.2% share.

Funded, private enterprises outstanding. From January to May, there were more than 30,000 textile and apparel trade enterprises, which export oriented enterprises 22 701 home based business imports 18 244, in this huge business groups, the proportion of state owned enterprises has been reduced to less than half, three enterprises export growth of 25.5%, 85.2% export growth of private enterprises, export share of 36%, respectively, and 20%, comparatively speaking, only the state owned enterprises to achieve export growth of 14.3%. Clothing Export Growth in price rise. Before May of this year garment exports reached 17.215 billion U.S. dollars rapidly, up by 25.61%. Moreover, the garment unit also showed growth, including weaving, knitting and garment export unit price rose by 2.4% and 3.1%, especially fur garments and leather clothing fastest growing.Commodity development space significantly. From January to May, exports in the apparel and clothing accessories, the socks, gloves, underwear and other commodities heat frequently, including underwear and socks the first 5 months of the export volume of apparel and clothing accessories exports ranked third and fifth, the total exports volume increased 447.15 percent year on year respectively and 244.51%, indicating considerable competitiveness.

Seasonal restrictions on textile and garment industry has a feature of the ship often one or two seasons in advance, because the process of trade, SARS impact to lag, industry analysis, this lag may appear later in July, but the textile industry’s competitiveness will not be too greatly. The reasons are that: the pattern of China’s major export markets has not changed. Although the SARS epidemic, when part of the outer one or revocation or loss to the Pakistan, India, Vietnam and other countries, but textile and apparel from China Chamber of Commerce statistics, the most regular order still has not changed direction. New York based Baisha credit consultants (Berna rdSands) analysis of the economic analyst Hastings pointed out that if the garment factory was forced to withdraw from production to Asia, the move to Central and South America, the labor costs will rise, delivery will be delayed not a good idea.

If you change the supply channels of foreign importers, will damage their own interests, they will be dealt with cautiously; China Textile Import and Export Chamber of Commerce official said, China is a major exporter of textiles and garments, the supply situation is not because of this incident SARS easily changed; international economic slow recovery also beneficial to the market pull. Information analysis, according to NPD Group, the Iraq war, consumers in the clothing and footwear expenditure increased sharply, 5,6, 7 months, U.S. consumers plan to clothing spending 14% more than usual, expect this demand will will continue for some time, it export of textiles and garments in China to provide a broader market; Asia’s rapid economic development of the textiles and clothing has increased demand. According to authoritative analysis, by 2005, Asia will replace North America and Europe, the world of high technology textiles, home textiles, nonwovens’s largest consumer market. Japan’s current high tech textile, home textile consumption accounts for one third of Asia, South Korean high tech textile consumption also exceeded the world average, China as the world’s largest textile producer and exporter, export competition, the potential is obvious.

Of course, the textile industry is still facing the export environment is still offers many, this is something we must address. As the cotton, oil and other raw material prices rise, so that downstream manufacturers operating cost has increased, profit margins shrink, export costs; with the freedom of trade to speed up the integration process, international trade protectionism, trade barriers is an impact on China’s textile The main obstacle to export clothing and so on. Speed up the restructuring, accelerate product upgrades and accelerate market segments, accelerate development speed, speed up the development of information technology to accelerate brand development and so on textile and apparel enterprises is still major work to do.To press time, the latest statistics from customs show that in the first half textile exports 12.41 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 32.5%, apparel exports 21.33 billion U.S. dollars, up 26.4%, and footwear exports 6.04 billion U.S. dollars. An increase of 18%, industry wide performance is still worth noting. As the main force of the national export earnings, I believe there will be textile and garment enterprises more exciting performance.

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