How to Teach the Touch Command With Dog Treats

Most people assume that training with dog treats is only for advanced commands. This is far from the truth. A food reward is a great way to keep a dog interested and anxious to learn, even when working through basic commands. The touch command, for example, is a very simple one to learn, made even easier when using treats.

Training Treats

Some retailers offer dog treats that are designed specifically for training. These usually come prepackaged in a smaller biscuit size. While these work well, you do not have to go to great lengths to find training-specific dog treats. Instead, purchase a biscuit or soft snack that can be easily sliced or cut apart into bite-sized pieces. The primary characteristic that makes a regular treat a training treat is the size. Smaller is better and should be just large enough to let your pet taste it, but not fill him or her up.

Touch Command Training Step One

When you give the touch command, your pet should know to touch his or her nose to the palm of your open hand. This command is extremely helpful later on when you are teaching more complicated commands. When starting out, place your pet in a sit stay and remain close by. Open your hand and give the “touch” command. Make sure you hold your hand close to your pet’s nose.

At first your pet may seem confused. There are two things you can do to help. First, try rubbing a bit of treat on your palm. This way, your pet can smell the dog treats and will want to move in and sniff. Next, gently touch your palm to your pet’s nose and offer praise. That way he or she learns to associate he gesture with the command and the scent.

Touch Command Training Step Two

It is important that you remain close by until your pet gets the hang of the touch command. Make a point to continue a few repetitions even after he or she understands. Each time your pet moves towards your hand when the command is given, offer a treat and praise. Once he or she understands to touch their nose to your palm, reduce treating frequency but continue to offer praise and petting. This is vital because your dog must learn to work for the reward.

Touch Command Training Step Three

The final step is to use dog treats to reinforce the command. Make the distance wider so your pet has to actually come to you to execute the touch. Make the task a little more complicated by elevating your hand position. Hold your hand up and out so your dog has to get on his or her hind legs for the touch, or hold your hand along the floor so he or she must bend down. Offer dog treats after every major success and the touch command will be an easy one for you and your pet!

Author Bio: Article by Kimberly Case of Where we have a large selection of Healthly Dog Treats

Category: Pets
Keywords: Dog Treats, Dog Treat, Dog Bone, Pet Treats,Bully Sticks,Rawhide

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