The 2010 Arizona Cardinals

2010 is looking to be the year that the Arizona Cardinals will gain their swagger back and become a tough team to beat this season. Don’t believe me, and then look at this year’s past draft. The simple fact that the team took nothing from the draft, and turned it into something is an impressive feat all by itself. Few fans will argue that the team was a surprise Super Bowl winner two years ago, this fact alone will be the thing that drives them to an another good season.

As we talked about earlier, the past year’s draft was one of the more impressive ones to look at in a long time as far as the cardinals was involved while the team had a list of players that they were looking to acquire for their draft choices. The team was unable to get the players that they had hoped for and as a result went home empty handed in the fact that none of the big players were acquired.

The team was able to make lemonade out of the lemons that they were given in regards to their draft choices. These choices were somewhat questionable by the fans of the team as to why they made the decisions that they made.

What is done with regard to the teams draft choices. From there we move on and look at what the season holds in store for the team is the way of passing. While the team was not able to get the Tim Tabor that they were looking for, to make the needed changes to their passing offense, there are those that think that the passing department will be ok with the current quarterback that has settled into the position. With the retirement of Kurt Warner, there have been a lot of players that have made the move to try being the replacement for Warner and leading the Cardinals.

With regard to rushing, the team has all the bases covered and as a result will have no trouble with getting the ball down the field. There is a strong running game that is in place with the team and as a result will be able to make the most out of the opportunities that they will be presented with.

There is toughness about the schedule for the cardinals that they will need to make sure that they are able to deal with. The team is looking at a schedule that will take them to all areas of their offense as well defense. The team will be pushed to their limit in this regard. If they are able to beat the schedule, then they are a shoe in for the post season.

The team can beat the teams that they have on their schedule that is not an issue. The problem will be making sure that they don’t beat themselves in trying to be a perfect season team. Rather you are perfect or just slide into the playoffs; the important thing is who goes home with the trophy.

This is going to be a tough year for the Cardinals; they will have a lot of work that they will need to do this season in order to ensure that they are in the best shape of their life as far as the season is concerned. There will be a lot of give and take involved for the Cardinals. In the end this will be the best season that they have had.

Author Bio: Freddie Brister is a big fan of the NFL. Check out his Arizona Cardinals Watch or his New York Yankees Watch or his Chicago Cubs Watch

Category: Sports
Keywords: Arizona Cardinals

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