ID Card Security With a Magicard Printer

Security is an increasingly important issue at universities, businesses and other organizations. With news reports of security breaches and horrible situations at post offices, universities, government offices and other organization, managers and business owners have become aware of the need for additional security measures to protect employees, students and visitors that enter their premises.

Identity cards play an important role in current security processes. Verifying who someone is by photo and credentials helps to insure that only authorized personnel are granted access to facilities and the databases of an organization. Employees want to know that they are safe when they are at work. Families want to know that their loved ones are going to safely complete their work that day. Parents want to have confidence that their children are exposed to authorized personnel while on school grounds.

It is important to protect ID cards from tampering and counterfeiting. ID card printers from Magicard offer security features that provide security from tampering. Patented safety features in the HoloKote and HoloPatch provide protection against card modification or tampering at a minimal cost. These cards can be printed, encoded and protected with the HoloKote feature rather quickly. A full color card can be printed in less than 30 seconds. Additional features add a few seconds on to the printing time. Clear colorful images and logos are printed with required custom information to meet the requirements of the institution printing the cards.

The HoloKote is a transparent watermark that is printed on the ID card surface. This watermark feature is programmed into the Magicard printer. At least one standard watermark design is located in each printer and can be enabler or disabled in the printer driver settings to provide the protection level desired for the card.

The HoloPatch is a highly-visible gold seal on the surface of the PVC card. This gold seal can be seen from a distance to assist in verifying authentic of the card holder.

Uses of ID card in business and education range from traditional photo ID cards to cards for access control. Other cards may provide complex card applications including cashless payment systems and loyalty cards. Various applications require the work of magnetic strips, smart chips, and the coding of a proximity card. Card usage may be found with student and employee IDs, library cards, debit cards, club membership cards and more. Additional unique uses may be found with each organization that houses a badge printer. With the capability of making whatever type of card is needed, id card printers are used in more ways that we can imagine.

To provide the functionality and security needed for your business type, a multifunctional card may be required. Although not a current need, some businesses go ahead and implement the multifunction card as they project that their security needs will be increased in the near future. By implementing future plans with the current functionality, the actual usage of the future plans will be easy to begin.

Author Bio: For more information about magicard printer or proximity card, visit us online.

Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: magicard printer, proximity card

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