Phone Medium Readings – Psychics Or Mediums Is There A Difference?

Any medium reading can be just as effective as the other. Whether medium passage is passed through the phone or the internet or even in the office does not make any difference. In that sense there is no reason why a phone medium reading should not be just as affective as if you were having a personal sitting in a medium reading. Although in the phone reading it is a noticeable fact that you cannot see the medium and they are not in the same room with you.

This does not any way constitute a disadvantage because a medium energy the power through which they work links into you with another sense that does not need to rely on a physical visual presence. In short the phone reading offered a better advantage in that time, location and space will never be a barrier. The reading can be done for the client anywhere he may stay in this universe. Perhaps because of these advantages there is a tremendous increase towards medium readings which are now possible over the internet and telephone and even by email and instant message over the years.

one of the factors which decides the outcome of medium reading is largely linked to the relationship existing between the two parties, such that that it is a good connect between the two can achieve a fruitful result. It therefore becomes necessary that terms are clearly spelt out at the beginning and what is being expected from the reading clearly understood. You can also talk about anything that may make you feel nervous about the medium reading such as you don’t want to hear any bad news. The medium is likely to put your mind at ease on that one as they are not in the business of upsetting you.

it is better you bear in your mind that the medium consultation is all about you, that is why you must participate in the process with a hundred percent concentration. Even if you think that the message being related to you is completely disconnected with your life experiences you participate with rapt attention. At the end you make your feelings and reactions known to the medium who is under obligation to make himself clearer to you.

Remember it is good not to compare one medium reading with another. Assuming you have attended to another medium before going for another. It very much possible that two medium can say different things on one issue. Know that each medium is working with the energy and resources available to him. You should never overtly relate one psychic with another and sometimes you could get conflicting information where one medium tells you one thing and another says something to the contrary. The medium who is doing your reading cannot relate his own work with what somebody else has told you, each a working independently.

How you conduct yourself during medium reading is of utmost important. Even though you could take notes but the note should not distract your attention from messages being relayed to you. When you are having your reading over the telephone you could ask the medium if they mind you recording the reading. You can then refer back to this at various times in your life and you may then start to see where the events in the reading fit in to your life. There are some premium rate psychic and medium lines where you are able to receive a free cd recording of your reading.

Author Bio: Rachel Saxon writes for the metaphysical industry and is a Reiki Master. Highly Recommended Psychics Also Psychic Reading And Phone Psychics

Category: Arts and Crafts
Keywords: psychics, psychic mediums, mediums, psychic reading, online psychics, psychic, medium reading,

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