Why Now is the Time to Buy Your Motorcycle and Cover

As spring is upon us and summer is fast approaching, it is apparent that now is a great time for some tremendous motorcycling. As I predicted a couple of months ago, gas has continued to go up in price and is expected to go even higher. We now have a huge oil spill out in the Gulf of Mexico and the well is continuing to leak thousands of barrels per day with more leaks popping up all the time. Even as we feel for the families of the oil drillers that lost their lives, we realize that this is another example of how something that happens that far away still affects us all. Even if the amount of oil produced by that one well was actually insignificant in the full scheme of things, this disaster will just serve as another excuse for the oil companies to hike up the price of gasoline at the pump. It has already gone up over a dime per gallon this week. Unfortunately, this time there may be a “real” reason as they try to recoup some of the money that the well disaster and the resultant clean-up will eventually cost them.

However, with a motorcycle, and the wonderful gas mileage, the high price of gas is just one of many positive reasons to own a bike. I used to own a large Cadillac that got about 20 miles to the gallon, which wasn’t bad for such a large car. But of course it pales in comparison to the mileage of even a very large motorcycle. Most motorcycles today get well over 50 miles to the gallon.

Of course, with motorcycles, the real thrill is the ride. I’ve just read that the most famous motorcycle ride, “The Dragon’s Tail” just opened back up on April 12, 2010. And, I-40 which gives much easier access to it is scheduled to reopen today, April 27, 2010. Both roads have been closed for months due to rock-slides. The Dragon’s Tail has 318 turns in just eleven miles and it is actually only 6 miles as the crow flies. Also, very close to that ride is the Cherohala Skyway which takes you by a waterfall and over a dam and up to over 5,000 feet above sea level. So be sure to wear some warm clothes to enjoy that ride. There are a number of great places to stay and visit right along the Tennessee and North Carolina borders. In my opinion, these are some of the prettiest places in the world. I am from North Carolina and now live in Tennessee, so I just can’t imagine anything better than these two states.

So, if you don’t already own a motorbike to ride on these or other wonderful excursions, now is the time to get out there and take the leap. And, remember that if you want to keep your bike looking new, invest in a quality waterproof motorcycle cover at the same time. It is quite amazing how great some motorbikes look in the showroom and if you want yours to look that way in four or five years, buying a premium motorcycle cover is the way to do it. Of course, it is best to buy both at the same time and not tell yourself that you will get a cover later and then “later” never comes.

Author Bio: Steve Rivenbark Owner of Anytime Motorcycle Covers We are a new business that was founded in 2009 to distribute waterproof motorcycle covers to everyone who needs them. Our supplier carries a large line of products and has been in business many years. So you can be assured that although we are somewhat new, this is no fly- by- night organization. In addition to motorcycling Steve enjoys Fishing and golf and will somehow talk about all three in his business. Steve also loves getting caught in Nebraska under a highway overpass with nothing more than a Pabst Blue Ribbon and his trusty waterproof motorcycle covers. Visit Us at http://www.anytimemotorcyclecovers.com

Category: Automotive
Keywords: motorcycle cover,waterproof motorcycle cover,premium waterproof motorcycle cover,motorbike cover

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