How to Effectively Use Plyometric Workouts

There are a number of different types of exercises that have really come to light in recent years, and many of these are able to help you to improve in the number of different ways. A good example of this is plyometric workouts, and although many of us have heard about these types of workouts, there are very few of us that really understand what they are. Not only are they an excellent way to get in shape and to increase in our sports ability, they are also something that can causes injury if we are not too careful. Here are some effective plyometric workouts, and some things that you should know about this exercise.

The actual plyometric workouts have not been around for more than 30 or 40 years. They were developed because Olympic athletes were able to come out of the jump better whenever they were stretched, instead of being constricted. It is this jumping exercise that many people consider to be the basis of plyometric exercises, but the fact the matter is that not all jumping exercises should fall underneath this umbrella. As a matter of fact, only 2 different types of exercises are actually considered to be plyometrics, depth jumps and depth drops.

One of the reasons why many people tend to avoid this type of exercise is because they are afraid of injuring themselves. If you take it easy, however, do not overdo it, there is no reason why you can enjoy the benefits of these jumping exercises for yourself. The real key, however, is to make sure that you are strong enough ahead of time so that you can handle the situation. Similar to the way that the muscle in the body becomes stronger much faster than tendons or joints, jumping should be started slowly so that the entire body has the time to acclimate and catch up with the faster parts.

It is often said that you should not begin any type of plyometrics until you’re able to squat 1 1/2 times your body weight. In reality, this theory is flawed from the very start. It’s a good idea to be able to squat that much weight? Yes, it absolutely is but it is not a precursor to being able to jump whenever you’re exercising. After all, how many elementary school children that are jumping around in the playground can lift 1 1/2 times their body weight? I’m sure that very few of them are able to do so, yet they get quite a workout through jumping.

If you are new to plyometric workouts, I would recommend that you seek the assistance of a qualified personal trainer before you strike out on your own. Not only are they going to be able to assist you in getting started with this type of exercising properly, they can also help you to keep your form correct which will make a big difference in the results that you see. Eventually, you will be able to do the exercises on your own but it always helps to have somebody watching out over you at first.

Author Bio: Visit our web site for more Plyometric Workouts

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet

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