3 Major Self Defense Training Myths

There are a lot of myths and misconceptions out there when it comes to self defense. Even trained martial artists have fallen for one or more of these myths when preparing for their self defense. Here are the three biggest self-defense myths that seem to trick people over and over again:

1. There is an ultimate self defense style.

Many people spend their time searching for the ultimate self defense course that will teach them everything they need to know to defend themselves against any threat. Others believe that their martial arts style simply can’t be beat by any other fighting moves and never take the time to explore other options.

In truth, there are a lot of variables in play when it comes to your ideal self defense style, and it will be different for every person. Whether you’re a young woman or a pro linebacker, there is a self defense style that will work for you. What is your size? How strong are you? How confident are you in your physical ability to fight off an attacker? What is your learning style? All of these will affect your choice of self defense method. In fact, you may turn away from physical, martial-arts based methods of self defense entirely, instead choosing to protect yourself with a stun gun, a canister of pepper spray, or any of the dozens of self defense products on the market today.

Instead of searching for the ultimate self defense style, focus on what works for you, whether you’re looking for an effective martial arts training course or the ideal product to carry with you to protect you from an attack.

2. You can become an invincible fighter in just a few days.

While there certainly are many DVDs and training programs that can dramatically increase your fighting power very quickly, no self defense method will make you invincible. They offer many invaluable tips for increasing your skill and confidence level, but nothing will make you a one man army, and certainly not over the span of a few hours.

3. Your own two hands are your best weapon.

While you can certainly do a lot of damage with your hands, especially in unarmed combat, the truth is that in a real self-defense situation, you will be up against an armed assailant, more often than not. Empty handed combat is not a very effective strategy for the vast majority of people looking for self defense options. It should only be used as an absolute last defense. Almost anything you can use to fight back with, even the car keys in your purse or a rock on the ground, would be more effective than fighting back empty-handed.

Too many people think that real self defense fighting looks just like a kung-fu movie. In reality, fighting back empty-handed is a lot harder than they make it look. You need to do as much as you can to stack the odds of survival in your favor. Carry a self defense baton, a stun gun, or a canister of pepper spray to give yourself a fighting chance.

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