Network Marketing – a Born Ahead of Its Time Business Culture That Rewards the Determined

If Network Marketing was a new business model being introduced today, people would flock to it in unimaginable numbers. Long before there was ever even mention of the information highway, Network Marketers tried their best to build unconventional businesses in a conventional business world. Some managed to gain flight, but others found that without a widespread forum to advertise their message, finding the right people to introduce their business opportunity to in an industrialized business world was far too difficult. For the most part Network Marketing became scrutinized by the majority who thought a business plan that could so easily be drafted and presented must be just as easy to build. By many the industry was misunderstood, and misinterpreted. They would sign up with excitement, run and tell others and be met with levels of negativity that out weighed the positive inputs. Most did not have the mental fortitude to withstand it, and a great deal more would drop out after exhaustively trying to convey the message of their business opportunity and product(s). The awakening was that it was not as simple as it appeared. Those that took it upon themselves to be patient, learn, lead and mentor became very successful traveling a Network Marketing road that today we don’t have to.

As with the introduction of any new business opportunity and/or products, there will be far more no’s than yes’s, but now that we live in the information computer age world, introductions are spread on websites instead of erasable marker boards, and across to an audience of untold numbers via the internet as opposed to a few that can be brought to attend local weekly meetings. The extended reach has made it easier to find the yes’s among the many no’s, but the wide reach gifted to Network Marketing does not erase the necessity or the difficulty of maintaining an entrepreneurial mindset.

The road to success is paved with good intentions. Network Marketing still retains an enormous individual failure rate. A business does not develop over night. It takes time, energy and perseverance. Becoming exited over an opportunity is a good thing, because with a Network Marketing opportunity you can make a good living or create limitless wealth. It is normal to become excited when invited to join into a business culture that has created more millionaires in the computer information age than the dotcom boom that brought it all about. The failure comes about by those unable to maintain the excitement and work ethic over the extended difficult term. In a nutshell, that is the difference in the 3% that amass wealth through the Network Marketing industry, and the 97% that fail, or earn minimum. They maintain their posture, deal with the heart aches, and work at their business everyday until it happens. If you look back at the things in life that you were determined to achieve, purchase, own, finish, whatever, you are certain to have had some successes. If you want to achieve financial freedom and the type of lifestyle it affords without risking large sums of upfront capital that you may not have, Network Marketing is a vehicle that will take you to it, but you have to be determined. A life of financial security may be the largest goal you set for yourself. Accomplishing it may take more of your time and efforts than a lesser goal, even in today’s broadband driven society. Physically, you will have to afford your business some time, but the big hurdle is the mental one. If you can get beyond the mental and can do it daily, you gain the determination. Once you have the determination captured and bound into your belief system, and can keep it there, wining is a matter of when, not if.

Author Bio: Live Life with Passion and fly as high as your wings will allow you. Magic Power Coffee is the gift afforded to the Network Marketing industry that will take you there. New Associates and Customers are welcome

Category: Marketing
Keywords: Network Marketing,business opportunity

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