Smart Lock Market Outlook

Leading high tech product development intelligent locks

Smart lock as a high tech products, in the hotel door locks have become the leading products in the field, but how to choose smart lock the user in mind is a difficult problem. According to a report in the Nanfang Daily, the Shenzhen, a four star hotel, due to engineering staff did not understand the choice of method of intelligent lock, choose a low cost intelligent door locks, hotel door lock led to six months after use, there the lock rusty, not working properly so seriously affected the situation of the hotel’s reputation and services, as manufacturers look for solution, they find that manufacturers have already disappeared, so the hotel smart door lock had to be replaced, bringing the hotel significant economic and reputation losses. The market in quite a mixed bag of smart locks, choose what brand of intelligent lock it? Under normal circumstances, the hotel hopes intelligent door locks at least 5 years of life, so choose smart lock must take into account factors such as product brand, quality, price and service, so as not to cause economic loss. Looking smart lock market smoke, tcl intelligent lock in terms of brand, quality, price or service, are walking in the forefront of the industry.

Smart TCL brand locks

From the brand perspective, tcl tcl intelligent lock belongs Group Co., Ltd. has a glorious history, which was founded in 1981, is engaged in home appliances, information, communication, electrical product development, production and sales, integrating technology, industry and trade one large state controlled enterprises. In just 20 years time, tcl name from a place without a pass into a state owned enterprises have more than 100 billion total assets, brand value over 100 billion and employs more than 30,000 large state controlled enterprise groups. Current tcl involved household appliances, communication, information, several leading electrical product sector in China forefront. Such a good brand to bring the user is no longer a simple product, but a service, a promise.From the quality point of view, tcl tcl smart door lock products rely on strong research and development group, independent development of non contact ic card lock, contactless ic card lock, tm card lock and electronic control of smart two door lock four series of more than 10 varieties, no matter what an intelligent door locks, in machinery, electronics, compared with similar products on the market all have some incomparable advantages and characteristics.

On the mechanical side, the first lock of the lock core tcl intelligent design of the built exclusive radial clutch and latch the thinnest weakness (stress concentration) increased over improve the impact resistance of the load lock to lock cylinder more reliability; followed intelligence door lock body tcl using copper forging, internal lattice fine, the lock body strength and hardness are higher than the national standard. Last tcl intelligent lock lock surface is the exclusive use of vacuum ion plating (pvd) technology, high corrosion resistance and high hardness can be used without injury 3h pencil characterizations.Electronic control, tcl intelligent lock control circuit board using automatic SMD technology (smt), high temperature aging, online testing, vibration, aging, moisture and other production processes invasion of paint to complete elimination of the indoor and outdoor temperature difference caused by locks internal condensation and damage the circuit board components, enhance the performance of the circuit. Moreover, tcl intelligent door locks also use smart encoding technology, anti glare interference, low power consumption to lock, reduce the frequency of battery replacement lock.

In the smart card key encryption, tcl smart key lock a variety of smart cards are used in physics password authentication, security, reliability of the electronic key, save data in more than 10 years, and all of the electronic key to improve secrecy properties are used in coding encryption algorithm, in addition to intellectual property developed by independent software systems to create electronic key, the electronic key and is not copied, the key to strong to overcome the mechanical reproducibility, so that the overall lock reduce security defects, improve the safety locks.Compatible with aspects of the system, tcl smart locks are at the forefront, he for a variety of property management software, hotel management software txt, dll, shell, exe, and other interfaces, when the call for integration of other software.

For those with access control systems, consumer systems, parking management systems and other systems of the area or the hotel, very convenient card features can be achieved, this intelligent system to customers in the use and management of the property is very convenient .These unique product advantages in the domestic industry is the leading smart door lock, which reflects our tcl lock developers an idea of the product. tcl bring customers smart lock is no longer a simple security measures, but a safer, more comfortable, more convenient to enjoy, to provide users with an entirely his own, quiet and confidential space.Price wise, at the same price point, tcl smart lock is superior to other products; in the same performance, tcl intelligent door locks offer many prices. Overall, tcl intelligent lock fully into account its users, and many other factors, so that the highest cost product.

From the service perspective, tcl Ministry of intelligent lock first formed a national service system: the domestic market, divided into six Area by region, major cities in the region of each film are set up hotline service, regional service centers, which we The goal is to help first time users to solve the problem. Second, the headquarters building is also a national service website for users across the country to provide the latest advice and services. Finally, the course also provides pre sales, sales, after sales services throughout: in the pre , tcl engineers to introduce a variety of products for users of performance, technical principles, technical parameters, to solve the problems users are most concerned about, and for users tailor made system solutions; in sale, tcl ready supply for the user, to complete the door installation and commissioning guidance, personnel training, etc., allowing users to schedule, satisfactory to use; the sale, due to tcl intelligent locks high quality, high performance, small chance of problems, but when problems arise, as long as the user calls, tcl engineers made a special trip for your service, remove the user’s worries.Smart Lock is one of the hotel’s image, good intelligent door locks, guests staying at hotels in to bring comfort and convenience, but also to create a good image of the hotel, which is pursued by tcl intelligent lock.

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