Plush Soft Stuffed Toys – What Makes a Great One?

What makes a good plush soft stuffed toy? If you asked a hundred different people you’d probably get a hundred different answers. What’s more you would get some fairly weird and wonderful answers! However, from the first teddy bear to a modern grotesque controversial road kill plushie (yes, they do exist!) there are things about all plush toys that just make them so appealing to young and old, rich and poor, girls and boys. But what are they?

Researching the answers could begin in pretty much any home or here A young family can own a house with plush toys in every room, students often take their favourite toy away to university with them, a young single man may still have his teddy bear somewhere at the back of his wardrobe and old ladies proudly display a small collection somewhere in their homes.

Several factors are really important, they have always been important to the collectors of plush toys and the manufacturers of the toys know it! Plush toys are made to be appealing in several different ways. A list of some of the manufacturers can be seen here

Firstly, it’s all in the eyes! Research has shown that babies have large eyes because adults and in particular, mothers find them hugely appealing. A bond is formed through those windows to the soul – the eyes. You’ll see this again and again in fictional on screen characters designed to appeal to children, and on greetings cards. Princess Diana famously had large ‘doe eyes’ put to great effect in the media. It’s the same for plush toys, give them large eyes and you’re on to a winner.

Secondly, smell. Plush will quickly pick up odours. Eventually unpleasant ones that require that the plush toy has a trip to the washing machine! However, most of the time the smell is familiar, pleasant, relaxing and reassuring. That’s why they are so good at helping children get to sleep. Some people buy plush toys for their unborn baby. The idea being that they sleep with the plush toy in order for it to pick up the parents smell. Some say, that familiarity with the smell will comfort the baby and help them to reduce stress levels. Don’t try this with any old plush soft toy; it must of course be suitable for babies.

Thirdly, plush toys are just so soft! You just want to hold them, squeeze them, touch them, hold them to your face and cuddle up with them. Some children only ever let go during the course of a day when it’s bath time. It can be a nightmare when they reach school age but eventually that physical need to be in contact with the plush toy will pass although it will now always remain a favourite.

Lastly but most importantly though, all of the above factors allow an emotional attachment to be made. A plush soft stuffed toy comforts us in times of need as children, they listen to our every need as teenagers; hear our intimate secrets when we reach adulthood and all this time they are acting as an emotional crutch. We all need a friend, a confidant and a sounding board. For some it’s their pet but for many it’s their plush toy, stuffed animal or cuddly toy. A friend for life, because they love us and we love them back.

Author Bio: Toys Plush brings together fans of plush soft stuffed toys everywhere. Visit Plush Toys here and here Plush soft toys or even here

Category: Entertainment
Keywords: plush toys, soft toys, stuffed toys, stuffed animals, plushies, cuddly toys

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