Article Marketing and Your Future!

Article Marketing is not new to the internet; however, in recent months article marketing has made a tremendous resurgence in popularity among Search Engine Optimization Specialist.

Every website owner has the desire of earning “Top Positions on Google” and other fine search engines. Just like in fashion, old styles will return as the hottest fashion every so many years, so it is with trends within the internet marketing business. It is predicted by some experts that article marketing could well be the next dot com explosion.

It is imperative that each website owner or webmaster understand exactly how article marketing can benefit their popularity with online users as well as search engines. Not everyone is interested in this type of marketing because they don’t understand how effective article marketing can be to their online success. Others just don’t want to take the time to do the research, write an article and submit their writings to article directories.

This is not an easy process and it’s going to take a special individual who will sit down every day and write an article, straight from the heart. There are some of us, who take this gig very serious in our marketing endeavors, and are rewarded handsomely for our efforts with added traffic to our websites, higher conversion rates, and the bottom line is, we end up with more earned income when it’s all said and done. Isn’t that what internet marketing is all about?

Allow me to share with you a brief overview of how this process works.

You can do your own writing or you can pay someone else to write for you. These hired writers are called ghost writers, and some of them do an excellent job. This type of service is going to cost you money and with most writers they earn every dollar they charge you for their expertise. If you decide after a while you don’t want to spend any more money on writers, you can take over the chore without a hitch.

These articles should be anywhere from 500 to 1,000 words. Some directories have some very strict guidelines you must follow, so don’t try the normal shortcuts to save time and money. It won’t work when it come to this type of promotions. There are literally hundreds and thousands of article directories you can find by searching the internet. Some of these directories offer additional services of automating your posting process. Prices differ from one directory to another. By writing articles on a regular basis and posting on multiple directories, you will see results of your labor within a couple of weeks or so if you have written your articles with good relevant keyword rich content.

One huge advantage of this type of marketing you will find many sites who will publish your articles on their website, which is consider as new content. Make sure you include an RSS feed when you post. Don’t try to steal the writers work by not giving each writer the credit for their writings that you use on your site. These guys work hard and deserve all the credit they can get.

When your articles are published, you should see a surge of traffic coming to your website rather quickly. The search engines love this type of marketing and will use this information to position your page rankings. If you’re lucky with all the hard work you’re doing, you may end up on page one, on one of the major search engines. This is a good thing, because the general public users normally won’t go any further than page one, or in some cases maybe page two. The harder you work the luckier you get. You should pick up a ton of back links to your website in this process as well.

Make sure you place any of your articles in the correct category of each directory, which will best describe the topic of your writings. Articles that are about your business opportunity can become very powerful by putting a link on your website. Again this is considered as new content with the search engines.

The links to your articles that you placed on your website will be indexed by the search engines the next time the robot spiders crawl your site. Some experts feel that if the same article is published in more than one directory, that the search engines will penalized you for duplicate content. This may or may not be so. I did read the other day an article by a search engine employee who said “there is no such thing as duplicate content” with the search engines. You may want to do some research before you decide on what is and/or is not considered as duplicate content.

You may write different articles on many different topics. It is best to try to have different categories that you publish to for different aspects of your business. If you writing about your business opportunity then write an article that is relevant to what your selling. If you have an e-book that you’re promoting, if the e-book is not relevant to your business, then put your article in a different category. This is not rocket science; however, it is advisable to use good judgment in your postings.

Never underestimate the power of article marketing. Article Marketing is going to mean more traffic to your site, better search engine ranking for your website, more conversions into sales and peace of mind for a job well done. Article Marketing is extremely powerful so use this new found marketing tool to help you generate the business you deserve. Happy Writing!

“Let’s Build Your Business Together”

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Author Bio: Larry L Miller – SEM/SEO Consultant who specializes in promoting clients to “Top Positions on Google” and other leading search engines. Mr. Miller is the promotions director for BLM Traders the leader in Automated Marketing Systems. Private Line: 321-594-4405, Skype: larrylmiller121

Category: Marketing
Keywords: BLM Traders, Larry L Miller, SEM/SEO Consulting,Top Positions with Google,online marketing, marketin

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