A Guide to Singapore Rent

Your main concern will be Singapore Rent if you have to go there for an extended, yet impermanent stay. This usually applies to people from other countries who have found a job there, those who have elected to study there, or even natives of Singapore who would like to lessen their commute to their workplace.

In such instances, living in a hotel is impractical and expensive. Also, it doesn’t provide a very homey ambience, which a lot of people feel is important. Renting a cozier, more down-to-earth abode gives one a more settled feeling. That is why renting a house, hdb flat, apartment, or condo is usually what people go for.

A great way to get started is to find yourself a real estate agent. He will be best qualified to find you your ideal residential place, catered to your preferences. Make sure before you hire an agent that he is listed in a certified housing agency and not a fraudster. In Singapore, he has to be a member of the Institute of Estate Agents.

All you have to do is specify exactly what type of property you imagine yourself living in. The agent will do his best to find you a place that meets the majority of priorities on your list, so be as specific as you can. Allow for a few alternate options and some flexibility in case the place you picture does not actually exist. For example, your dream house might ideally have a master room and a fabulous kitchen. The agent might end up showing you one with the latter but not the former. Or you may seek an apartment that doesn’t have a common room and a wonderful view from your window. The agent might locate one that does have both, but a terrific veranda on top of it all. Prepare yourself to compromise for such eventualities. He might show you something you never knew you wanted, but find that you do.

But don’t allow yourself to get carried away. To prevent yourself from going over-budget because you are swept away by the beauty of a house that has so many things you don’t even need, make a list of your basic priorities first. Here are some factors you should take into consideration.

Important Factors When Renting a House

-Location is essential. You should aim to find a house that is within reasonable distance from your school or workplace, or the venues of your other daily activities. Otherwise, you will find yourself spending too much on transportation expenses. Also, it should not be too far from shopping areas, banks, grocery stores, and other places you will need to visit occasionally.

-The size of the house is important. Will you be living alone, or with the whole family? This will determine how many bedrooms you need.

-Which facilities are most important to you? If you are into sports, you might want to rent a condo that has sports amenities. If there isn’t one, you could find a place that is near to a sports and recreation complex.

-Decide if you want the house to be pre-furnished. This might add a little to the expense.

-The budget is one of the most important factors. You will be paying on a regular basis, so make sure you can pay comfortably without compromising your basic need.

Making the Transaction

When you and your agent have chosen the house, it is time to seal the deal. Some of these may be subject to negotiation. If you are renting an HDB flat, you have to wait for approval from the HDB Branch Office before you are allowed to sublet it.

Finally, when you are satisfied with your choice and all the deals have been signed, you can start packing up your things. Your Singapore rent experience can finally begin.

Author Bio: Planning to rent in Singapore? Discover Roger Thompson’s online articles and learn more about Singapore rent.

Category: Real Estate
Keywords: singapore,rent,hdb,condo,common room, master room

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