How to Create the Perfect Facebook Message

Try and imagine the worst conversation you ever had with someone. They had poor eye contact, they mumbled when they spoke and they refused to even answer your questions. Perhaps they fidgeted, playing with their hair, fiddling with their watch or jewellery, and generally gave the indication that they were not comfortable speaking to you. Irrespective of what they had to say to you, you probably felt rather alienated and unwilling to listen because whilst the content may have been worthy, the delivery detracted from it. The same can be said of food in a restaurant: imagine your most favourite dish served to you on a dirty plate and where the crockery was chipped and cracked. Your enjoyment would probably be significantly hampered.

When it comes to presenting people with anything whether it is information or a gift, presentation and the delivery are crucial. Despite this, many people spoil the effectiveness of Facebook marketing techniques by failing to remember these two essential points and so they send messages which are riddled with spelling errors and grammar mistakes.

You see, whenever you send an email which purports to attract additional customers, they need to be charmed and persuaded to actually purchase your goods and or services. If your email is riddled with mistakes then the flow of your message is broken and distorted making it more difficult to read. Sadly, when it comes to the internet, people are very fickle about the websites they use and their attention span is very limited indeed which means that if they don’t like the information presented thus far, they will simply look elsewhere. You may find it somewhat hard to believe that people really are that shallow but the grim reality is that yes, they really are.

Whilst good spelling and usage of grammar is essential, an email message which passes muster when it comes to the correct usage of English will not be enough by itself to win over a customer. Another key area where business owners fail in is that they get lazy and so they cut corners, specifically, they rely solely upon standard template letters which are sent en mass to the customers.

As soon as a person checks their email inbox and are confronted by a generic message which has undoubtedly been sent to several thousand other people, they will typically get rather peeved and end up deleting the message. Spam is a major annoyance for most people and a simple click of the delete button will quite literally be the kiss of death to further communication with the person.

If you want to achieve a measure of success with email marketing with Facebook, you need to make sure that you actually personalize the messages you send out. Even something as basic as including the actual name of the recipient of the message can go a long way to improving your chances that they will actually read the email all the way through rather than delete it outright.

People do not like having to wade through a copious amount of information before they are finally able to unearth the one nugget of information that maybe relevant to them, and so you need to make sure you actually break up your message. Include bullet points, lists and colons in order to break up the layout of your message and to draw attention to particular areas within the message.

Tailor the tone of your message to the recipient. A formal tone is not so useful for an informal message thanking a customer for a purchase, whilst a colloquial one is not appropriate for an email to a potential supplier.

Author Bio: As an Italian Web Marketing consultant of many years experience, Filippo Toso has a number of clients including the likes Fortune 500 companies and organizations like FAO and UN. He himself relies on Facebook to promote his products and uses Inbox Backup to keep backup copies of them.

Category: Marketing
Keywords: Facebook Backup Correspondece, Facebook Backup Inbox, Facebook Backup

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