Decorating a Child’s Bedroom

Of course every child needs a fun room that they can call their own. It’s a really nice idea to decorate and personalise their bedroom in such a way that your child will feel like they have a special room that they can retreat to. Redecorating a child’s bedroom can also be a really fun task that you can carry out together and it has the additional benefit that it will five them a sense of achievement and a greater attachment with their personal space.

The best place to start is with choosing a suitable colour for the bedroom walls. If you think that your child is old enough to make a sensible choice then by all means let them pick out a colour. If they choose a colour that you think is too bold then there are a few ways around this. Perhaps you could paint different coloured stripes on top by using masking tape to make the straight lines. Alternatively you could divide the top and bottom of the walls, with your child’s choice of colour being used for one and a lighter choice of colour being used for the other. A sensible suggestion would be to use the bold colour on the bottom half with a lighter hue (or white) being used for the top half. This should provide a sense of balance and keep you both happy with the choice of colour.

A fun extra touch can be to personalise the room with shapes on the wall. Whether you want to paint on the details or whether you want to use stickers is entirely up to you. You will easily be able to find stickers and stencils at home improvement and DIY shops. If you decide to go for stickers then make sure they are easily removable as children often change their mind about their favourite things and are constantly discovering new things that they like and dislike. Additional personalised items that are easily removable are paper lanterns, mobiles, blankets and throw pillows. Dinosaurs are usually a popular choice with children so perhaps a nice idea would be to hang toy dinosaurs from the ceiling.

As well as the wall colours, you will need to think about a suitable lighting for the bedroom. There are plenty of shops where you should be able to purchase different coloured lightbulbs to complement the colour scheme of the rest of the room. If you are looking to add a ceiling fan then perhaps you will want to look at ebay if you are working to a tight budget.

If you have a creative, artistic child then a nice addition to the room could be a chalkboard. You could buy an actual chalkboard, however a more novel solution could be to buy chalkboard paint and paint a fun shape on the wall for them to drawa over. You could even paint stripes in one area of the room for them to decorate. If you child prefers to draw using felt pens then another suitable option could be to mount a whiteboard on the wall.

A colourful rug can be a playful addition to any child’s bedroom and should complement the colour scheme you have already chosen. Don’t forget to choose furniture that provides plenty of storage space as the last thing you want in your child’s room is for their toys to be left all over the floor just waiting to be tripped over!

Author Bio: Dave Matthews is writing on behalf of Visionhouse Software, a leading supplier of CAD bedroom planner software.

Category: Home Management
Keywords: DIY, decorating, interior design, bedroom design, bedroom plan, painting, bedroom

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