Email Marketing With Facebook: 3 Key Elements

Technology brings with it new and exciting methods of business marketing and if utilised properly, the savvy business operator can reach out and target a whole new segment of the market as well as being able to do in a more cost effective and efficient manner. However, technology is like any other tool in that its effectiveness will depend entirely upon the level of skill and aptitude of the person wielding it.

When it comes to the social networking website Facebook, many business owners are left cold as to how exactly the site can help them with their email marketing. After all, if the general consensus was to be followed Facebook is little more than the sanctuary of kids and big kids the world over who have too much time on their hands!

Nothing could be further from the truth and the business owner who casually dismisses the potency of Facebook as an email marketing tool has sadly failed to appreciate its potential. It really is as simple as that.

One of the most exciting aspects of Facebook is that the business owner can email their “followers/friends” (people who have subscribed to their profile page) with multimedia content absolutely free. What this means in real terms then is that a business page can upload an advertising video broadcasting their latest goods and or services and tailor it in such a way that it actually resonates with the target audience.

For example, if your business is the selling of athletic shoewear then a video informing your “friends” of the latest training shoes that you have in stock along with an actual demonstration of how they work will have a substantially more potent impact than mere words alone.

This leads rather neatly onto the next issue: personalization. A successful business will form an emotional connection with their customers and so remembering details such as names, birthdays and the latest purchase that they have made will provide the customer with that all essential gift: recognition.

Sending a follow up email to a customer on Facebook after they have made a purchase will surely bolster their ego and will make them far more likely to rely on your store again. By providing key information in a non-judgemental, friendly and forthcoming manner, and by genuinely taking an interest in the customer you will cultivate a loyal customer base. In the business world, that is nothing short of imperative.

Facebook email marketing is also very powerful on another level: it allows you to directly target a specific niche (group of people) who are either are already, or potentially could be interested in your products. This directly ties into the two issues identified above.

Many customers are left feeling rather dissatisfied when it comes to shopping because they feel that they must contend with a product or service which is a cookie cutter template, i.e. one size fits all. By using the most powerful aspects of Facebook email marketing, the mailing list, you will be able to target the right people with the right product.

Let us use a different example.

Elderly people are more likely as well as more at risk of suffering from musculoskeletal dysfunction such as arthritis both osteo, and rheumatoid. A mailing list which has subscribers who are over a certain age will net better results for a company selling anti-arthitis supplements than if that business was to target random people. Facebook email marketing allows for a greater ROI (return on investment) which is a direct measurement of how effective a particular marketing method is.

Author Bio: A Italian Web Marketing consultant of much experience, Filippo Toso has an extensive list of high profile clients including governmental bodies such as the FAO and the UN. Filippo relies on Facebook in order to promote his services, and keeps a copy of all of his messages using Inbox Backup.

Category: Marketing
Keywords: Facebook Backup Correspondece, Facebook Backup Inbox, Facebook Backup

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