Shooting Positions in Paintball

How many positions can you shoot accurately with in paintball? There are really only 6 positions with which to shoot your weapon in paintball. Depending on whether you are a contortionist, you may want to stick with the 6 that we are going to talk about today. They are running, standing, crouching, kneeling, sitting and laying. We’ll get into each one in greater detail and I’ll try to show you when to use them, and why. So get ready to paint something cause we’re going hunting.

Running of course is the hardest and the best time to use you shooting skills while running is in defense. Lets say that you need to get from here to there and nobody on your team can provide cover fire for you. Well, you can’t just sit and wait for the Marines, you’ve gotta get moving. So get ready! Be sure that you are loaded with ammo, if you use a finger roll or have an automatic be ready. As soon as you start moving down field the enemy will fire on you. You have to keep their heads down and that’s where you use automatic fire, short bursts, and walk you paintballs to your target. No time to aim here.

Laying or prone position; this is probably the easiest and most effective if you can stay out of the enemy’s sites. Laying is just laying, get comfortable and take careful aim one shot at a time. Be sure to stay hidden and keep your elbows on the ground. Sitting is used behind bunkers. Either keep your legs straight out in front of you, almost at a 90-degree angle from your target, or bend them slightly. What ever is easiest for you. Be sure to use the natural ability of your back and neck to shrink down to hide and straighten up to shoot. You should be able to just look over the bunker and find your enemy. Again single shoots using careful aim. Don’t stay in this position to long.

Kneeling is very similar to sitting and you will want to use your natural ability to shrink down and stretch up to find your target. It is best used when the sitting position is to low. Use one knee and have the other leg ready to move. Keeping your weapon pulled into your shoulder raise and lower yourself with your waist and back. Crouching is probably the most uncomfortable position. It is best used to change from sitting to standing or to get ready to move from one position to another.

And finally the standing position or what the Marines call the “off hand” position. Ideal for distance shots or while hiding behind tall bunkers. Hold your body at nearly 90-degrees from the target and keep your weapon held tightly into your shoulder. Take careful aim and squeeze putting paint in your enemy’s shirt pocket. As always use caution, play safe and keep your weapon pointed in a safe direction.

Author Bio: Layne regularly writes for, they carry such paintball equipment as Paintball Guns and the Invert Mini, as well as many other items from a variety of manufacturers.

Category: Sports
Keywords: Paintball Guns, Invert Mini

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