Aim Before You Shoot in Paintball

Ready, fire – aim is not our motto with paintball. I know you can walk the paintballs to your target but when you take your first shot, guess what, your opponent knows that you are shooting at them and they are going to find cover. So the better approach is, as you’ve already heard, ready, aim – fire. Be sure to take very careful aim before you shoot. The most successful players do this 95% of the time.

If you take the time to aim at your target, guess what, you improve your chances of hitting them on the first shot by a factor of 10. That means that while the average players are busy wasting valuable ammo you my friend are a deadly force to be reckoned with. While the average paintball player hits his target 3 or 4 out of ten times you will be hitting your target at least 8 out of 10 times. That’s pretty much double. And if you can hit your opponent twice as often as he hits you there is no doubt who will come out victorious.

In Marine Corps Bootcamp, which by the way is eleven weeks long, twice as long as any other branch of the service, well maybe not twice as long. Marine recruits spend 2 weeks at the rifle range learning how to shoot properly. In comparison to that they only spend one week learning how to fight in a combat situation. This should give you some idea of the importance that the Marines put on their ability to effectively hit the target that they are shooting at. The entire first week is spent “snapping in”, which is a drill where they just practice aiming at their target and dry firing their rifle. No bullets are fired during the first week and no weapon is discharged – nothing but dry firing. Just getting used to pointing the rifle at a target and learning to squeeze the trigger slowly. Just imagine if you spent a whole week 8 hours a day dry firing at a 55-gallon barrel with a bunch of small targets painted on it. I bet your aiming would improve greatly.

The point is to take your time, find your target and sloooowly squeeeeze the trigger. Marine are trained to do it in combat. If it’s that important to those, who put their lives on the line, do you think it should be important to you? I’m not talking about taking 5 minutes to take careful aim and really really slowly pull the trigger; I’m talking about doing it quickly. Shoulder your weapon, take aim and squeeze off a round. Just as simple as counting 1, 2 and 3. And it should be about that fast, 1 put your weapon up to your shoulder, 2 take quick aim, and 3 squeeze the trigger and BANG, you’ve painted your target. Who’s next? As always be careful, keep your weapon pointed in a safe direction and lets take that hilltop – follow me.

Author Bio: Layne regularly writes for, they carry such paintball equipment as Paintball Guns and the Invert Mini, as well as many other items from a variety of manufacturers.

Category: Sports
Keywords: Paintball Guns, Invert Mini

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