Your Espresso Maker is Only As Good As the Worst Coffee Beans

You must be a coffee-lover or you wouldn’t be at this site … yet are you a part of that segment of the population invariably first to grab hold of even the most simple item of gourmet coffee technology if it implies a better cup of espresso (or even showing off to your pals)? Even when you own an ideal espresso machine, you’re always looking out for the latest and greatest piece of coffee-making innovation. The fact that your latest gadget was more expensive than another person’s automobile cannot obscure the fact that you might be disregarding a crucial lesson of life – that the greatest coffee maker is only as effective as its weakest link … in this instance the actual coffee beans.

One Man’s Bean is Another Man’s Burden

You no doubt know what you like: a dark roast for breakfast time and, for particular situations, Jamaican Blue Mountain to impress friends and family after a meal. Technological innovation, particularly in regards to espresso machines, has been tweaked to the point that we believe the espresso machine is the make-or-break link in the coffee making chain. Of course, a good coffee maker has the potential to make an excellent cup of coffee. An unavoidable reality, nevertheless, has crept into the consciousness of today’s coffee drinker − the understanding that the weak link within the espresso-making sequence is, in reality, the humble coffee bean.

No variety of digitally managed temperature gauges or gold-plated group heads can atone for sub standard or improperly roasted coffee beans. Thousands of dollars and all the research on the planet can do absolutely nothing to enhance the coffee from the best espresso maker money can buy if the coffee beans are not able to deliver on their promise.

Engineering is, at its core, a promise of reliability. Under the same circumstances, with the same ingredients the best coffee machine will result in a superior product time and again via the application and adjustment of carefully controlled inputs. In other words, your espresso maker ought to, under consistent conditions, create a good cup of coffee each and every time.

Purists might believe that the water is the most important component in a good cup of coffee. It is true that water quality is vitally important to the finished product yet it’s not the most important element.That position belongs to the coffee bean! Locked within this roasted cherry are flavor complexities that, at their peak, may be compared to an excellent wine.

At their worst, however, poor quality or improperly roasted coffee beans are nothing more than pale copies of their original selves. Old coffee beans impart a bitterness to coffee that might be better dished up as a late-night offering at a roadside gas station. With beans such as this, even the best espresso machine will are not able to make a drinkable cup of coffee.

So now, while you’re reading the testimonials regarding the high-tech features of that brand-new coffee maker that is being touted as “the greatest espresso machine available today”, take a few moments and consider the humble coffee bean. When you really need to savor great espresso, you have to start with high quality beans.

Author Bio: The best espresso maker is one that will produce a great cup of coffee every time and is easy to maintain. You’ll find more information on home espresso coffee makers at our Espresso Coffee Time website.

Category: Food and Drinks
Keywords: espresso maker, espresso coffee, best coffee machine, best coffee maker, best espresso maker

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