Why Does a Zebra Have Stripes?

At first glance it may seem that a Zebra is done a great disservice by its stripes. To us humans, the unique pattern of stripes makes the zebra the most visible animal on the unending African plains.

Zebra stripes may look uniform to us, but in actuality, the stripes are exclusive to each animal. Of course, there is a general pattern to the stripes that is common to each sub species of zebra. However, the stripes are to each individual zebra the way fingerprints are to humans. As a matter of fact, it is possible for scientists and naturalists to identify individual zebras in a herd by comparing the patterns of their stripes. Even the width of the stripes is not uniform and there is some variation in the coloring as well from animal to animal.

There is always a good evolutionary reason for characteristics that animals have. The issue is that scientists have not arrived at a consensus regarding the reasons for the zebra’s distinctive stripes. The different theories all agree that the zebra stripes are a very crucial form of camoflague for these herbivorous animals.

One possible reason for a zebra’s vivid patterns can be understood if you view the herd of animals together, particularly when they are running. Their zig zag patterns make it difficult to identify any particular animal and predators can easily get confused about which specific animal to target. This is a definite advantage for animals that have to avoid predators. It becomes even more difficult for predators at dawn or dusk because the stripes make it difficult for them to judge how far they are from the zebras.

There is another theory regarding these stripes that is also very compelling. To understand this theory you have to first realize that lions are color blind and can only see the zebras stripes as a pattern. With this in mind you will understand how easy it is for a zebra, with its dramatic vertical stripes, to hide in tall grass.

It is also believed that the vertical strips serve to consume the tsetse fly, a dangerous insect predator.

The irony is that these stripes which have served the zebra so well against its natural predators for millennia are its biggest enemy at this point of time. At this point of time, zebras are facing the greatest threat to their survival due to the newest and most dangerous predator, man. Their stripes serve them no protection against man, and they are actually the reason why they are hunted.

Zebra skins are much in demand because they make very interesting and unique rugs and upholstery. They can also be mounted on walls, although that is not very common. You might have seen the same at plenty of houses and how it imparts a special color and significance to the place where it is put up. It gives a classic and special look to the entire living.

Thought it is expensive and a rare piece, there are several differing options on the same context!
Apart from being hunted for their skin, zebras are also threatened by the loss of their habitat

Author Bio: I am basically a graduate at the University of Hamburg and you can get awesome articles and valid information from the ones which I submit specially for you to take a look at. Check out Zebra Images, Zebra Graphics or Zebra Pictures.

Category: Advice
Keywords: zebra skins, zebra, vertical stripes, predator

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