Cofee May Reduce Risk of Uterine Cancer

More and more people are discovering the simple pleasures of enjoying a daily cup of coffee. Large chain stores for coffee can be found around the world. As more and more people consume this beverage, more studies are pointing to the benefits of doing so.

They key is to drink your coffee in moderation to obtain the most health benefits, which mainly focus on a reduced risk of disease.

Women who drink at least two and one-half cups of coffee a day are less likely to get uterine cancer, according to a new study by the Mayo Clinic.
It seems every month a new study comes out touting the health benefits of coffee.

According to a new study at the Mayo Clinic, women who drink coffee have a decreased risk of getting uterine cancer. They don’t know what it is about coffee that lowers this risk because the same benefits were not found in other beverages or food that contain caffeine, such as tea or chocolate.

Study Details

The study of 20,000 women showed that those who drank at least two cups of coffee a day had a reduced risk of getting endometrial or uterine cancer than those who didn’t drink that much coffee or any coffee daily. An earlier study, reported in the April 2009 edition of the International Journal of Cancer, showed that the lowered risk for endometrial and other uterine cancers was reduced by both tea and coffee.

Japanese researchers began looking at the connection between coffee and reduced risk of uterine cancer even earlier. According to a study published in the same journal the previous year, Japanese researchers concluded that coffee could “possibly” reduce the risk of this form of cancer. Their conclusion from the study of thousands of Japanese women was that more research should be undertaken in this area.

Most Common

According to a CBS news report on the study, when it comes to cancer of women’s reproductive organs, uterine cancer is most common. “In 2009, 42,160 new cases were diagnosed, and it caused 7,780 deaths, according to the American Cancer Society,” CBS reported.

Other Benefits of Coffee

According to the Mayo Clinic, coffee in moderation may offer several other health benefits.

The biggest proven benefit appears to be the reduction in the risk of Type 2 Diabetes. IN addition, moderate coffee consumption is believed to help with Parkinson’s disease, asthma, gallstones and liver disease. The Mayo Clinic states that moderate coffee intake helps with cognition and even helps reduce the incidence of suicide from mental illness.

There are a few minor side effects that can occur even with mild coffee consumption. For instance, getting jittery, harmless heart palpitations and loose stools. In addition, some people experience insomnia and heartburn or acid reflux from coffee consumption.

Moderation is Key

However, the Mayo Clinic is careful to state that too much coffee can lead to other problems. For instance, more than a moderate amount can affect a woman’s fertility and might even contribute to miscarriages. In addition, too much coffee can decrease the body’s ability to absorb iron and calcium.

Author Bio: Frank Yaconis has been a coffee connoisseur for the past 20 years. He has spent the past few years spreading the word about the world’s finest coffee, including a blend called Laini Maua, grown in Kenya. He has a special love for wholesale Kona coffee grown on the slopes of two active volcanoes in the tropical Hawaiian paradise of the Big Island of Hawaii.

Category: Food and Drinks
Keywords: wholesale gourmet coffee, kona luna, Hawaiian coffee

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