Nazi Concentration Camps: Liberation Army Images That Shook the World

Europe was so deeply embroiled in one World War that came so quickly on the heels of the previous one that the only thing that people had in mind was survival. There was no country that was completely immune from the war and if they were not directly facing the brunt of it, they had to deal with refugees fleeing from other war torn nations. In the midst of all this confusion, there were rumors of the mayhem and atrocities perpetrated by the Nazis upon the Jews, Communists, Gypsies and others who they did not feel deserved to be allowed to survive. There was talk that they were being worked to death in concentration camps dotted all over Europe in Germany and other countries it had occupied. These rumors about the holocaust and the death camps became the ghastly truth only when liberation army images began to filter back home.

The American Army, along with the British Army was racing through Europe for a final showdown in Berlin. On the way, they liberated many famous Nazi death camps and they were able to record the evidence of what transpired there for posterity. The Nazis also proved to be their own worst enemy in this case because of their passion for documenting everything that they had done. The victorious Allies came across numerous Nazi Army images of their atrocities against non combatants and others. These served to fuel the hatred against the regime in Germany that had caused all this.

There was always a very vocal minority in the United Kingdom and in the United States which maintained that the concentration camps were a figment of the imagination and that they were thought up by an anti Nazi propaganda machine in order to discredit that government. These army images would be used to great effect to silence all opposition to the war and also to whip up added support for it. As a matter of fact, Allied soldiers themselves were galvanized to fight even harder so that they could put an end to the regime that perpetrated these crimes for one and for all. The photographs of the concentration camps taken by Allied soldiers and the letters they wrote home can be credited with motivating the final push against the Nazis.

Even after the war, these army images of the liberated death camps served their purpose. Apart from helping to identify people who had been in these camps, the photographs were assembled into war memorials at various places in Europe, but mostly where the camps had stood. They are a constant reminder of the horrors that man can do to another man for the flimsiest of reasons.

People from all over the world visit these war memorials to pay homage to the dead. They may not have experienced war at all, but they are still able to identify with the pain of the people who died there. The pity is that humankind does not seem to have learned anything from these incidents that happened not too long ago.

Author Bio: I am basically a graduate at the University of Hamburg and you can get awesome articles and valid information from the ones which I submit specially for you to take a look at. Check out Army Images, Army Graphics or Army Pictures.

Category: Arts and Crafts
Keywords: army images, American army, British Army, death camps, concentration camps, Nazi, holocaust

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