DIY Tips on Making Your Own Solar Panels Easily

High quality and processed silicon solar panels are easily available in the market today. Whether it’s residential or home use, people are now considering making their own solar panels.

The most frequently and commonly asked question is that is it difficult to make solar panels all by myself?
Solar panels are very easy to be made in household by making use of guides which are very easily available online. Also, you can use the kits which are available at almost all of the electrical stores. People with the experience of fixing up their electrical equipments at home will find the procedure very easy. Even if you don’t have any experience, a good guide with step by step procedures that includes pictures too will be really helpful to you.

Solar cells or photovoltaic cells are the first basic requirement. They are very light in weight and can be easily transported from one place to another. You have to decide on where you want to make solar panels and install them. Flat rooftop, back yard or garden of the house are the main ideal places for making and installing your own solar panels because these are the only places in which we receive huge amount of sunlight.

After selecting the right location, start the procedure.
Below are some of the components which are essential in making these panels:
– A copper sheet
– 2 Nos. of alligator clips
– A micrometer with the capacity to read the currents between ten to fifteen amperes
– One electric stove
– Sand paper, tap water, table salt and sheet metal shears

Cut the copper in the exact size of your electric stove. Clean the copper sheet thoroughly for any possible traces of oxidization. Heat it on the burner till the color changes to brown and then finally into a thick layer of black coat. Then this sheet should be joined together with another copper sheet of the same size. Join them by using alligator clips and place it into a bottle. Make sure that the two sheets don’t touch each other. The black copper sheet should be connected to the terminal which says negative and the other one connected to the positive terminal.

Now place saltwater at the bottom of the plates and make sure that the clips are dry and doesn’t touch the water. This is how you generate electricity from the heat of the sun.

Because, the black copper plate acts as the semiconductor! It is a kind of an insulator where electrons are tightly bounded with their atoms and do not flow freely and acts as a conductor where electricity will flow independently.
When sunlight hits this semiconductor, it will also hit the electrons. Some of these electrons gain so much energy that they will ultimately generate electricity. These electrons then move to the saltwater, into the clean copper sheet, into the wire and then through meter goes back to the semiconductor and generate electricity.

Make your home solar friendly and cut down your electricity bills as you now know how to make your own solar panels.

Author Bio: Jim samples, wrote many articles on subject and get yours here – DIY Solar Energy Guides!

Category: Advice
Keywords: homemade solar panels, how to make homemade solar panels, make solar panel, how to make solar panel,

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