Paintball Strategies: Attacking

In paintball or most other sports there are basically two starting points for strategy. You are either in the offensive position or in the defense. Today we will cover offense I believe it is the most important. In a friendly game of paintball there are several different strategies for attacking your opponents. In other words there are lots of ways to get down the field to search and destroy your enemy. We will just go over a couple of them today.

The first is very simple and direct. Setup a base of fire, it doesn’t matter where, it could be in the center of your home position or to one side or the other. Depending on the number of players per team this base of fire could be 1, 2 or more players. The second part of the team is your attacking force. You’ll want 2 or more players here. If you have a total of 5 players per team then you will want to split up your attacking team as follows. You’ll need 2 players at the base of fire and 3 on your attacking team. The base of fire is setup to distract the opposing team and keep their heads down, if you can keep them together. While the attacking team moves to one side or the other getting into position to form a cross fire on the enemy. The attacking team moves as far forward as possible and engages the enemy with automatic fire. The attacking team continues to move forward overriding the enemy position. Try it; this is a great and simple strategy.

Another simple strategy is to put all of your eggs in one basket so to speak. Where everyone is on the attack and everyone moves forward together. The most important aspect of this strategy is that everyone moves forward together. If one person moves faster or slower than the others then the strategy doesn’t work as well. So keep aligned and move forward together.

The third strategy is the leapfrog. Which is also very simple and effective. You could set up a base of fire if you wanted while using this technique. But it is not necessary. The leapfrog starts with one person moving to a position and setting up to provide cover fire for any other leapfrogers. The next person goes beyond the first persons position to another position forward of the previous member. If there is a third member they go beyond the first two members and set up their cover fire. At this point the first member will repeat the process and so fourth. Until all members of the fireteam have reach a designated location in order to establish a new attacking position. From there every member of the team moves forward in unison overtaking the enemy position.

Whichever strategy you decide to use all members of the fireteam must work together as one unit. Moving forward independently in order to get into position and regrouping before going on the attack. Always go over your strategies prior to getting into position on the field. And remember – keep those cards and letters coming…

Author Bio: Mike regularly writes for, they carry such paintball equipment as Paintball Marker and the Tippmann A-5, as well as many other items from a variety of manufacturers.

Category: Sports
Keywords: Paintball Marker, Tippmann A-5

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