Pet Sunscreen – Yes Your Pets Need it Too!

With the vast amounts of people getting skin cancer these days, it is safe to say that most of us are very self-conscious about wearing sunscreen when we get out in the suns rays. After getting a painful burn, it doesn’t take long to learn the importance of applying sunscreen. However, it is quite ironic that very few people even think about putting it on their pets. They have sensitive areas of skin that are just like ours and need to be protected. Just as we humans need skin protection from the suns harmful rays, there are many dogs and cats out there that need it as well.

According to recent research, dogs with very thin skin or sparse fur can actually get some really harsh burns if left unattended. Even dogs that have thick, lush coats of fur can get sunburns in certain areas. Ever since I became aware of this knowledge I have always applied a little bit of protection to my dog’s skin in the most important areas. A great place to look for Pet Sunscreen is They have a decent selections and brands for anyone that is searching for pet sunscreen online.

Anyways, as mentioned before, some dogs will need more protection than others. Dogs that get their fur shaved on a regular basis will be more prone to sunburns than those who have a thick coat. Dogs that are covered in a thick coat of fur do not need to have pet sunscreen applied all over their body because their fur acts as a great barrier to the sun’s rays. However, bare spots such as their noses and inguinal regions are not as protected. Dogs with pale or white noses need to have a small dab of pet sun block. Also, almost all dogs have a pale section of thin skin between their back legs. This is the inguinal region that I was referring to earlier in this post. Well, sometimes dogs like to bask in the sun on their backs, and this region can be exposed to the sun for long periods of time. Because dogs spend most of their time either walking around or lying on their stomachs, this region is more likely to be pale than it is to be dark. So be sure to have this region covered with the right amount of Pet Sunscreen.

Now the question of what kind of pet sunscreen to use arises. Most specialists agree that besides regular pet sun block, baby sun block will work just fine on pets. An SPF of fifteen is usually recommended for most pets. Another aspect of this subject that needs to be discussed is what to avoid when selecting the right product. Be sure to avoid zinc oxide because it can have some serious effects on a pet if it is licked off. In order to avoid some of these situations, it is a good idea for all pet owners to discuss this topic with their veterinarians.

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Category: Pets
Keywords: Pet Sunscreen

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