Know About the Abscess

An abcess is a localized collection of pus in any part of the body, caused by an infection.

Abscesses may occur in any kind of solid tissue but most frequently on skin surface, lungs, brain, teeth, kidneys and tonsils.

The most common sites :
armpits (axillae), anus and vagina (Bartholin gland abscess), base of spine (pilonidal abscess) around a tooth (dental abscess), around a hair follicle (furuncle).

1. Infection – Bacteria, fungus, viral, etc.
2. Injections and injuries
3. Diseases – diabetes, cancer and AIDS
4. Drugs and therapy- steroidal and chemotherapy
5. Skin diseases – psoriasis, eczema,herpes, etc

Symptoms and signs

1. Redness (rubor)
2. Heat (calor)
3. Swelling (tumor)
4. Pain (dolor)
5. Loss of function


1. Septicaemia,
2. Shock.
3. Formation of sinus / fistula / gangrene.
4. Scar formation with contractures and puckering.

Management and prevention

1. Keep infected area dry and clean
2. Give rest to part involved
3. Elevate the infected area to make good venous drain and for reduction of pain
4. Apply warmth to comfort pain.
5. Circulation, dilutes the infective agents and quickens the healing process.
6. Control sugar levels in case of diabetes


1. Plenty of water to keep good body hydration
2. Fresh fruits and vegetables for healthy living
3. Supplements – Vitamins A, C and zinc for better healing


1. Picking or peeling or pinchin
2. Fatty/oily foods
3. Sugar

Homeopathic remedies


indicated for the initial symptoms of abscess. The parts swell rapidly, become bright red, there is intense throbbing which is painful, pus develops speedily the swelling increases and the redness radiates

Hepar sulphur

Great remedy for suppurations where the pus is not decomposed. It suits especially lymphatic, phlegmatic individuals. Excessive sensitiveness of the parts is a leading indication. chilly sensations, throbbing in the parts, or sharp, sticking pains which are worse at night and from If given low in threatening suppuration it will favor the formation of pus. The suppurative process will often be aborted by Hepar if given in the higher potencies.


This is the remedy where the suppuration continues and the wound refuses to heal. the pus is thin,watery,and the process is sluggish and indolent one. Under Silicea the suppurative process takes on a healthy action , the pus becomes benign, granulation appear. Warmth is very grateful to the Silicea patient..

Mercurius solubilis

It comes in after Belladonna, when pus has formed. It favors the formation of pus especially in the lower potencies, and is especially indicated in glandular abscesses; the pus is greenish in tint, and quite thin and fluid. There is intense, shining redness with throbbing and stinging pains. and all the pains are greatly aggravated at night
It will often abort suppuration when used in the highest potencies


In low conditions of abscess, when pus in thin, dark, ichorous, and offensive in character. The parts are purplish in appearance. It is the remedy for abscess where poisonous matter has been introduced into the system


Usefull in chronic cases where the discharge is profuse, accompanied with emaciation and hectic fever. there is a marked tendency to boils. The pus is acrid and excoriating. Crops of boils in various parts of the body

This is the remedy where abscesses and boils do not mature; they shrivel up, then another crop comes. Boils coming in crops they are very sore, purplish in color; also blood boils which are very sore.

Rhus toxicodendron

Very useful in acute suppuration; especially useful in suppurative conditions about the eye. It has proved curative in abscesses about the parotid and axillary glands; the pus is bloody and serous, the pain is intense, sand the swelling is dark red. Rhus corresponds very closely to septicaemia.


Suppurative conditions, especially where symptoms of blood poisoning are present.
Nitric acid

Suppurations about the glands, especially the inguinal or axillary, in syphilitic subjects, and when the discharge is offensive, excoriating and of a dirty, greenish yellow colour.

Author Bio: Dr Guptha Associated with ICD10 Certification

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: ICD10, certification, training

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