5 Simple Steps to Help You Develop as an Artist

All artists have to start somewhere. Even the likes of Picasso and Van Gogh had to make those precarious first steps into the art world. But it’s easy to feel a little daunted at times as our creativity stalls and our insecurities take hold.

But fear not, these things happen to the best of us and here are 5 simple ways you can help yourself improve as an artist and boost your self-confidence.

1. Paint whatever makes you happy. Some artists fall into the trap of painting what they think people want and what they think will sell. This can be a big mistake! If you don’t enjoy what you paint you will eventually become disillusioned and may even give up all together. Your paintings are an expression of yourself and your inner feelings and it’s important that your art reflects this. After all, the viewer is interested in not only the painting, but the artist behind it. As your art evolves, the viewer is taken along on your journey through life. Your artwork reflects your experiences and is an extension of your inner soul.

2. If you become bored with your painting then stop. Every blank canvas is an exciting new departure. The creative juices are never more potent as we embark on a new composition. But sometimes a painting may not turn out as we wished and before long you feel bogged down and the painting process has suddenly become a chore. Painting should be a joyful experience. If you stop enjoying it then take a new canvas and start a new adventure!

3. Don’t succumb to external pressures. Your painting is a creative process and should be allowed to develop at a natural pace. Demands from peers should be dismissed immediately. Once you start jumping to attention your creativity will suffer and you will not be doing yourself justice. Any knowledgeable person will appreciate the creative process has to evolve naturally and without outside interference.

4. Maintain a creative positive momentum. Often we get bogged down and lack inspiration. The inventive process can be a real rollercoaster. Frequently we struggle for new ideas, an uphill battle for fresh insight. But when we are struck with a flash of inspiration grab it with both hands and milk it for all it’s worth. Hold on tight and ride it out to the very end. Stop for nothing and no one because once it’s gone you never know how long you’ll have to wait for the next one!

5. Broadcast you and your work to the world. It’s easy to stay cocooned in safe and familiar surroundings but if you want to make a success of yourself, at some stage you’ll have to flee the nest. Exhibit your work at every opportunity both online and in the real world. Seek feedback from anyone and everyone in your pursuit of excellence. The more visible your work, the more doors will open for you. Don’t be shy, tell the world and do yourself justice. Take a chance and the very best of luck!

Author Bio: Steven Cronin is artist and author of oil and watercolour painting books available through his bookstore at http://www.LearnToPaint.net Visit his blog at http://www.steven-cronin-art.com

Category: Arts and Crafts
Keywords: art,artist,watercolor,watercolour,oil,oils,painting,creativity,development,artistic,learn to paint

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