One Woman’s Journey to Education

With graduation season just around the corner it is time for the students in our lives to reflect on their accomplishments and look forward to the next chapter of their lives. This year I will be attending several graduation ceremonies to be held on high school football fields and in college auditoriums. As I sit in those collapsible chairs or on bleacher seats trying to avoid the inevitable bouncing beach ball that always seems to find its way to me, I will also reflect on my own scholastic journey. Yes, once upon a time, I too was a hopeful high school graduate who believed that the world was my oyster. I couldn’t wait to get away from the dreary institutional constraints of uninspired teachers, pointless essays and unrealistic deadlines. That first summer after graduation was simply joyful. I anticipated the liberation of attending college where people passionately discussed important and interesting topics and I dreamt about the contacts I would make that would surely lead me to an abundance of job opportunities. I felt as if I could do anything.

The reality of college hit me mid semester as I sat listening to a monotone geology professor drone on about granite, obsidian or some other form of igneous rock. I was bored out of my gourd and was asking myself: Really? Rocks? Is this something I need to know to further my career as a famous film editor for TV and movies? So in an attempt to expedite my creative career I signed up for a Television and Radio class at a local community college the next semester. I was energetic and smart. There was no need to be concerned about taking on too heavy of a work load. I could handle attending two campuses and carrying a part time schedule in addition to my current full time schedule. I did not consider that it would be necessary to increase my hours at work to be able to pay for my additional tuition. You see I put myself through school, no well off parents or scholarships were available for me to tap into.

Immediately, I fell in love with my community college classes. We were writing, directing and editing radio spots and mock TV shows. I spent every weekend and many late nights in the audio/visual lab working on projects. However my university classes continued to be a snore fest and one by one I started missing class and assignments. By the end of my first year I was the star TV production student at community college and on academic probation at the university. It was not a hard decision to make when the university counselor asked me if I wanted to continue my education on that campus. I cheerfully dropped out and focused all of my attention on excelling in all of the fun community classes I could get into. To my surprise I ran out of fun classes in a very short time. When this happened I stopped attending school and started looking for a real job.

For me there were many real jobs. I found employment at insurance companies, doctor’s offices and even at a few video production companies but I was always at the bottom of the food chain, answering the phone and performing menial administration tasks that were far from rewarding. I felt unmotivated, worthless and frankly, kind of stupid. One smart thing I did do was to marry the world’s most perfect man. He knew higher education was a sore spot with me but over the years he gently encouraged me to go back to school and get a degree-any degree. So off I went, back to another university, this time well into my thirties and feeling like an old fish out of water.

To my surprise I took to college like a fish to water. This time around, the subject matter was not so tedious and after being in the workplace for so many years I was used to jumping through hoops to meet deadlines and had perfected the fine art of listening to boring people pontificate for hours on end. In a blink of an eye I was in my junior year (when you are over thirty they should no longer call you a junior) and was maintaining a 3.89 grade point average. I was back on top and feeling smarter than ever before. In fact it was kind of fun to walk into a classroom on the first day of class and linger a bit in the doorway. My fellow teenage and twenty year old class mates would immediately sit up straight and quiet down, thinking I was the professor until I took my seat with the rest of them.

Shortly after graduation I received a call from a production company in Hollywood. I had interviewed with them many years prior and for some reason they kept my resume. They decided to look me up because a post-production supervisor position was available and I was qualified. It was an exciting moment because I always wanted to work with this group but it was also a little disappointing because they normally did not require a college degree. Had I invested all of the extra time for nothing? Then it happened, the voice on the other end of the line said “Oh and I don’t see any reference to the university you attended… can you just send me an updated resume?” Elation, pure unadulterated elation was mine! Needless to say I am now happily employed bossing people around and being creative most of the day. It was a long journey but well worth it.

Author Bio: Windy Reigns: Author and Post-Production Supervisor Online University Ad Agency Orange County

Category: Education
Keywords: online education, college degree, career advice,

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