The Best Acoustic Guitar Lessons For Kids Ever

Like many parents, I have spent many hours driving my child to take her guitar lessons. The time and money spent with professional tutors really started to add up. Read about how I found a better and more affordable alternative.

Last year, from out of the blue, my nine year old daughter informed me that she would like an acoustic guitar. Being a typical parent, my first question to myself was, “How much will this cost?” My second question was to her, “Will you actually learn play this guitar or will it end up collecting dust in your closet?” I had absolutely no idea how much a guitar would cost, or what type of guitar I should buy.

Aside from the expense involved, I never thought about how she would learn to play the guitar. I just assumed that someone we knew would know someone that gave lessons. Not that easy.

Every tutor recommended to us had no openings, even the guitar shop where we bought the guitar could not fit us in for four months. By the time summer rolled around we finally found a pretty good instructor, but he could only give lessons on Wednesdays at 10:30 in the morning, and only for 30 minutes. Not only were the lessons expensive ($45.00 each time), but they weren’t long enough and they were at a very inconvenient time. I soon decided that there had to be a better way.

I started looking for acoustic guitar lessons for kids online and eventually came across a program called Jamorama that seemed like exactly what I was looking for. To say that I was impressed would be an incredible understatement.

It was so affordable that I was actually angry with myself for not going online and finding it sooner. The entire Jamorama program cost less than one lesson with the private tutor. Not only did it cost less, but the quality of the instruction and ease of use was far beyond my expectations of an online lesson plan.

Two of the features of Jamorama that made me decide to buy the program were the free trial and the money back guarantee. Jamorama offers you an introductory six part guitar course as a free trial, You just click on your ability level and you can download it instantly. However, it was the money back guarantee that sold me. You will get a complete 100% refund if you decide within 60 days that Jamorama is not for you. That gives you almost two months to test drive Jamorama.

The Jamorama course is comprehensive all-in-one program that claims it can take anyone from the total beginner level to being an advanced guitarist. I can see the improvement in my daughter’s playing and would have to agree with this claim. Almost half of all students stop their guitar lessons within six months because they don’t see the results they expected. It has been well over six months for us now, and we are ready to upgrade to a better guitar. I personally cannot say enough about Jamorama. It is my opinion, that Jamorama offers the best acoustic guitar lessons for kids OR adults that I have seen online or anywhere else.

When I first started using Jamorama, I never thought that I would look at it as an investment. However, after seing how much money I have saved and the improvement in my daughters guitar skills, I can’t help but feel that this has been a very good investment.

Author Bio: So, if you are tired of spending too much money and want to achieve great guitar instruction at the same time, visit the Guitar Lessons Review website and take a look at Jamorama.

Category: Education
Keywords: guitar course for kids online,online guitar course for kids,acoustic guitar course for kids

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