Making a Memory Book For Your Graduate

A memory book is a great gift that your grad can keep forever. Here are some tips for how to create a great memory book.

What to Include:

Photographs: You will have a fair amount of them of course, but you should try to include some photos that your grad’s friends and other family have taken over the years. One reason for this is that your grad has probably seen your photos a thousand times and you might be able to add something new to the mix by getting some help from others. One thing you will want to decide from the outset of your project is whether how far back in the grad’s life you want the book to go. Do you want a retrospective of his or her whole life, or just the past four years? One idea might be to include any photos you have of previous graduations, such as those from grade school or Junior High, thus creating a them for your book.

What photographs to include? If your grad was active in sports, then you will of course want to include some action shots and perhaps team photos as well. Even if he or she is not the sporty type, just follow the lead of your grad’s interests and gather as much material as you can to choose from.

Clippings: If your grad was featured or mentioned in any stories in your local newspaper, or even the school paper, clip those stories out, scan them and put them it the book as well. If any special awards were received, or there were some other achievements worth mentioning, be sure to include them as well. Even an especially great report card, or a the front page of a paper that got an A would make great inclusions.

You can also include clippings from magazines that have to do with your grad’s favorite bands, movie stars, etc., so your grad will always be reminded of what he or she was into during the high school years.

One last thing you might want to do is to take a few photos of some of the grad’s favorite items (first beater car, guitar, etc.) and include them in the book as well.

Quotes and Stories:

Conduct some quick interviews or create a questionnaire that you can send around to some of the teachers and other adults that worked with and/or had a good relationship with your grad. Parents of some of his or her friends may want to contribute to this part as well.

Putting it All Together:

There are a few different ways you can arrange your book, such as simple chronological order, chapters according to interests, photos and quotes, etc., or a big jumble of all of the above If you are not the designing type, you can search around online for ideas on how to arrange it all. You can lay out and arrange the pages via an online program or by using MS Word.

Printing and Binding:

You will want to use as much color as possible and use a good color printer. For binding, you might want to pick up a thermal binding machine as these are cheap and simple to use, and create a nice hardcover book that will last forever.

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Category: Family Concerns
Keywords: memory book,great memory book,hardcover book,nice hardcover book,include clippings,great memory

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