Hide Messages for the Subconscious Mind in Subliminal Images

Subliminal message hidden and imbedded behind an image is another form of direct communication with the subconscious mind. Such images are called as subliminal images. Text messages are hidden in the images which conscious mind cannot pick and decipher. But subconscious mind is clever enough to pick those hidden texts and make a meaning out of it. This is a very useful form of subliminal communication with the mind where the message is carefully transferred to subconscious mind without allowing the conscious mind to filter and analyze the authenticity of the message.

A carefully crafted image containing subliminal texts or visuals are so perfect that until one is told about the hidden information their conscious mind will never catch it. But the very intelligent subconscious mind reads and picks all those hidden clues and information’s. When exposed to such images for a prolonged period of time, the personality starts getting influenced and the person tends starts behaving in line with the subliminal content.

One can hide the content of heir goal hidden behind an image. The image can be any thing from your desktop wall paper to a poster in your living room to calendar and photographs of a movie start. One can imbed a sublime message, matching their goal, in these images of their liking. When the person is exposed to these images day after day for thousand of times, the subliminal message makes a mark in the subconscious of the person. The subconscious will start believing the contents and will take affirmative actions drawings the person towards the goal.

As subliminal messages can be carefully hidden in the images, they directly reach the subconscious mind and in turn the mind automatically draws the person toward the goal. The most commonly used form of subliminal messaging via images of texts is in the field of advertising and promotional campaigns. It is believed that messages carefully written and hidden behind images or visuals can increase the sale and popularity of the product.

Let us take an example that almost any body can relate to. Even nature has their ways of subliminal communication. Almost everyone among us must have spent some time looking at skies and those beautiful clouds. After continuous watching, people start seeing pattern and images in those clouds. Sometimes you see a fast car, beautiful lady or even just a cup of steaming coffee. Nature has its way of giving us clue that subliminal communication is possible and very effective. One can observe the same pattern of images when you look at the stars. The point is, when information’s are hidden behind images in the form of texts visuals then such information’s cannot be read by conscious mind goes directly to subconscious. An encouraging, motivational or even goal oriented message fed in the mind though subliminal images can change the whole personality for good. Set a goal, frame a sentence matching the goal, hide the text behind an image and expose your self several times a day to this image. One will see themselves working towards achieving their goal very soon. This is called subliminal tuning of mind.

Author Bio: Click Here to get your Free ‘Ultimate Success Unleashed’ Subliminal Cd and supercharge your success. Greg Frost is an authority in the subliminal industry for many years and has helped thousands of individuals worldwide to attain their dreams and goals with his subliminal messaging cds.

Category: Self Help
Keywords: subliminal images,subconscious mind,subliminal communication, hidden behind images

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