Guitar Tutorial – The Proper Way of Maintaining Your Guitar

These days, you will find plenty of instructional materials that would teach you how to play the guitar. There are videos on various websites that would give you minute details on how to exactly play a particular tune that you choose.

Learning guitar is not only about improving your skills; it is also learning the proper discipline. Cleaning your guitar should also be your priority in order to keep it on top condition. Most guitar learners underestimate the issue of cleaning their guitars and instead focus on practicing riffs after riffs. There is nothing wrong about that but as you keep on using your guitar, its condition slowly fall because of your small neglect to take care of it.

Cleaning the guitar goes side by side with learning guitar. To make sure that your guitar is in prime condition every time you use it, you should check on the following:

The strings: As you pluck or strum along a tune, the strings of your guitar whether classical, acoustic or electric are stressed. The strings are very important part of your guitar and without it; you could never play a tune. You should always clean the strings after each use because strings easily accumulate dirt such as fine dead skin and dust. Also, make it a habit to down tune your guitar so that the strings won’t be stressed especially if you are not using the guitar.

The fret board: Inevitably, the fret board accumulates oil from your sweaty palms especially during long practice sessions. In addition to oil, the fine dead skin and dust are deposited on the metallic bars of the fret board. Make sure that you clean the fret board especially if you are changing strings of your guitar.

The body of your guitar: Like the fret board, the body of your guitar easily acquires dust. In order to maintain the top class varnish of the body, do wipe it with smooth or damp cloth to remove the accumulated dust. Learning guitar would be great if it is clean especially on the body part.

Other part of the guitar that should be well-maintained is the keys. There are times that tuning becomes a tedious task because the keys are very tough to turn. Tuning would seriously become difficult because the guitar keys are either too tight or too loose to hold a string or strings on a particular key.

Make sure that your guitar has good guitar case or bag. There are guitar enthusiasts that proudly display their precious guitars without ever putting it into a case or bag. Weather conditions affect the condition of your guitar and only proper case would prevent it from being slowly damaged.

Many famous and celebrated guitarists all over the world did not neglect the simple care of their guitar. Since you are on the beginning stage of learning guitar, you should pay more and close attention on the maintenance of your guitar. The performance of your guitar heavily depends on how well you clean it. You must remember that no one would take care of your precious guitar besides you.

Author Bio: Learning how to play the guitar? Find the best guitar tutorial and learn the 4 mistakes you shouldn’t make when choosing guitar tutorials!

Category: Arts and Crafts
Keywords: guitar tutorial, guitar tutorials, guitar maintenance, guitar

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