Finding a Student Summer Job in Canada

Summer jobs help teenagers save money for college or university, learn how to manage money responsibly, explore career choices, develop team work and leadership skills, and provide them with something meaningful to do during the summer holidays. Due to the recent economic decline, summer 2009 had a student unemployment rate that hit 20 per cent. However, predictions for this summer are wide ranging from negative to quite positive. Now is the time for students to start preparing for seeking a summer job.

Below are a number of tips to finding a student summer job in Canada:

1. A professional resume is essential to making a student stand out from the other applicants. Because students do not have much work experience, it is important to emphasize volunteer work, school grades, and extra curricular activities. These experiences highlight such skills as: leadership, ability to work with others, reliability, dependability, positive attitude, and the student can balance a job with other parts of their life.

2. It is essential to know where to find a summer job. Contact local businesses to see if they are hiring. Examples include: tourism related establishments such as resorts, amusement parks, ice cream parlors, pools, parks, and zoos. Other establishments can include: coffee shops, gift stores, grocery stores, movie theaters, museums, fast food restaurants, animal shelters, call centres, and more. It is important to apply early as there will be many students competing for the job positions.

3. Every year the provincial and federal government offer summer job opportunities for students. There are a number of websites that offer resources on where students can obtain summer jobs and internships. Many of these opportunities are made available through government sponsored programs. As well, there are Government sites that provide instructions for students on finding a summer job. The websites help students narrow down their search based on personal preference, including in their own community or abroad.

4. To get a summer job, students will have to be interviewed by the potential employer. It is important to be prepared for the interview. Students should learn as much as possible about the employer and company. They should dress professionally, arrive at least 10 minutes early, and be respectful and courteous during the interview. It is always a good idea to practice interviewing with a friend or parent to make sure they are speaking properly and clearly. Students must demonstrate why they would make a good employee and why the employer should hire them over the other applicants. During the interview it is important to maintain a positive attitude.

5. If students are unable to get a job, another option is to start their own summer business. This can include: mowing lawns, babysitting, walking dogs, house cleaning, painting homes, selling ice cream… etc. The key is to find something that is needed in the community. Students can set their own price and hours. When working for yourself, you need to be self-disciplined. Self employment can not only be lucrative, but also a good learning experience.

It is not always easy for students to get a summer job, especially if job openings are limited and they have very little work experience. They key to getting a summer job is to apply early and demonstrate responsibility by emphasizing the strengths that will make you a valuable student.

Author Bio: Adriana Noton is a freelance writer who writes on a variety of financial topics including personal budgeting and debt counselling. For more information about personal finance and credit help, is a tremendous resource on the topic for Canadians.

Category: Jobs
Keywords: student, jobs, career, employment, government, resume, interviews

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