A Very Cheap to Promote Your Website

If you are not one to spend money, you have a choice here. You can learn to give your website the much needed SEO boost during search engine submission the inexpensive way. What’s more, it can be fun, too!

In reality, you will definitely need inexpensive optimization to even make a head-way online. If you take the pains to research on this, you will come back with the stunning results that of all the online searches that take place daily, a large percentage takes place on the prime search engine: Google. This got me thinking: how would you like to hold first position on this search engine simply through specific key words spaced within your front page articles.

I feel that the whole idea of inexpensive optimization should be taught to everyone who is interested by the experts themselves. As for me, personally, I am currently learning the whole thing from experts. By experts I am referring to the website Wealthy Affiliates. This website was brought about by the activities of Carson and Kyle, two great internet marketers who have been around for the past eight years. They have refined various internet marketing techniques over time until they can be called masters of their niche. In fact, even though there have been many drastic changes and upheavals in the internet marketing sphere.

Take this for instance. It is a little something I have learnt while researching on inexpensive optimization. I w3rite some articles and forward them to popular content sites like EzineArticles dot com. Since this site has a really high Google rank, anything written on it is rapidly crawled – added to the Google database faster than my normal search engine submission. Crawling simply means the process by which spiders called robots store text on a website in their database, while ignoring such things as graphics and videos or audio.

To get your articles effectively crawled, you should know the important facts in making search engine submissions. First spiders have specifics when it comes to crawling. The articles they crawl must have at least five hundred words. The optimum keyword density is usually about one the three per cent, which implies that for a five hundred word article, it should occur about five to ten times in your article. Over-usage of your keywords will lead the spider to assume you are writing spam, and it might not crawl it. Furthermore, your keywords should appear on the header of your article and on the first paragraph, because the spiders are keen to observe those areas first.

I learnt practically everything I have been telling you about at the Wealthy Affiliates University. It is quite inexpensive, obviously, but you will be amazed at what it has earned me over time. It has helped me establish my website on the first pages of Google. With this I can now back-link to other sites, generating more traffic. With this, I can now direct where my visitors can go to, all at relatively no cost to me!

This technique needn’t be for business only, as it can be applied for practically every online venture.

Author Bio: Mike Gates is a customer of HostGator. Hostgator is reliable web hostign provider. Read more about hostgator coupon.

Category: Marketing
Keywords: promo web site, online marketing, internet marketing, internet

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