Self Defense Videos and Visualization: Stop Thinking Pretty!

If you’re worried about someone taking physical advantage of you, whether by mugging, rape, or otherwise, there’s something of a ‘mugger’s secret’ that you can learn with some self defense videos and a little bit of imagination — and it could save your life.

Streetfighters, muggers, rapists, and their ilk don’t deal in cleanliness and mercy. They want to hurt their victims, plain and simple. They are predators, and you are their prey. At the best, they don’t care about hurting another person and at worst, they take pride or pleasure in the results of their acts.

So why is it that these predators are so successful? They rely on that secret I mentioned — and the secret is that their victims tend to think of them either as humans or as already-successful predators. You can’t defend yourself against someone that’s already succeeded in your mind, and if you’re concerned at all with your attacker’s well-being, you’ve already given him the only advantage he needs to win. Raw, unadulterated violence is the criminal’s best weapon, because it terrorizes your mind as well as your body.

A rapist slams his victim’s face against a wall from behind without warning, and uses that moment of stunned fear to grab her by the neck and the hair…and he’s already won in most women’s minds. They’re helpless against his intentions because his violence overwhelmed their ability to formulate resistance, and they fear any attempt to do so now will end up in death.

A thug slams some brass knuckles into the base of his victim’s skull, knocks him down, and kicks him in the chest hard enough to crack a few ribs. The victim grabs his leg, and pulls him to the ground, and then struggles to his feet. The mugger waits a moment, and when the victim tries to use his “advantage” to leave, he pops to his feet, slams him again, takes his wallet, and bails. The victim fails to defend himself because his goal was to avoid violence, not to prevent the mugger from succeeding.

A street fighter grabs a bottle from the bar and smashes a smaller man in the temple as hard as he can. The smaller man staggers under a table to hide, and the street fighter pulls the table away. The smaller man charges right under the street fighter’s uplifted arms and gouges his eyes out with his thumbs. The street fighter roars in pain and confusion, and the smaller man headbutts him in the nose, breaking it, and then grabs a chair and smashes the street fighter across the knees. The fighter goes down, but the smaller man doesn’t stop with the chair until the street fighter is unconscious. An understanding that only violence can resist violence saved the small man’s life.

So what does this have to do with self defense videos? Simple. If you’re a normal person for whom violence doesn’t occupy much mental space, you need to get used to it in order to achieve the mindset of a non-victim. That means getting a self defense video and watching it right.

Watching it right means imaging, in as much detail as you can muster, the events on the video happening to you. Imagine a mugger using the techniques on the self defense videos on you — from the movements themselves to the expression on his face. Imagine what it must feel like to be that predatory, that careless about the fate of your victim.

The imagination is a powerful tool — your body responds physiologically to imagined events much like it responds to real ones. That means that you can experience whatever level of violence you can imagine yourself committing — and when it comes time to actually do it, it will be much easier to commit to it.

If you need to fight a predator, you need to become a predator. Dehumanize your enemy, brutalize him, and survive. Self defense videos will help you get there!

Author Bio: For more details about self defense videos & self defense video, please visit

Category: Sports
Keywords: self defense videos, self defense video

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