How to Learn Martial Arts in Days

When the average person hears the words martial arts, they picture a lifetime of dedication and practise. Although that can certainly be the case if you want to become an absolute expert in martial arts, you don’t need to dedicate yourself if you only want to learn proper self defense.

In fact, if you want to learn martial arts, all you need to do is make the plunge. In this day and age, it is no longer necessary to actually go to a class to learn martial arts self defense. You can now learn all the techniques that the pro’s use right from the comfort of your own home. Of course if you want to become an all-knowing expert in the field, you might want to get some personal training. But if you are only looking to learn how to defend yourself and your family, don’t bother wasting the money. All you need to learn martial arts is a proper DVD training system.

Close combat training is the best solution for learning martial arts at home. But don’t let the name ‘close combat’ scare you. It is simply a proven strategy that works to defend yourself in a wide variety of situations. Whether you are being mugged by a burly attacker or have a knife pulled on you in a dark alley, you will learn the techniques you need to survive.

Martial arts self defense isn’t all about kicking and punching. The first and most important lesson that you will learn through this training system is how to prevent an attack from even happening. You may be thinking that it is impossible to prevent something that you aren’t aware of. However, that could not be further from the truth. Criminals are trained in the streets to pick on the most vulnerable of us. They are easily able to tell who is paying attention and who is not. If you are walking through a dark path texting on your cell phone, you are making yourself the perfect victim for an attack. Criminals know when we are vulnerable and that is when they will strike.

So when you start to learn martial arts, awareness is the first thing that you will have to work on. Becoming aware of your surroundings is crucial to any type of self defense strategy. If you are running on a trail with your earphones on, you are not aware of your surroundings. A criminal could pop out of the bush behind you and you wouldn’t even notice. In seconds, they could be running off with your wallet or have you on the ground begging for mercy. But if you are constantly aware and alert of every single thing that is going on around you, you leave yourself in a much better position.

This certainly doesn’t mean that you have to become paranoid. Of course, you can still trust the average person. It just means that if you want to protect yourself, don’t get distracted while you are out, alone and vulnerable. The world is a great place, but can also be a scary place. Keep your eyes open, your ears open and be aware. If you do these simple things every time you leave the house, you are already on your way to becoming a martial arts self defense expert.

Author Bio: For more details about learn martial arts & martial arts self defense, please visit

Category: Sports
Keywords: learn martial arts, martial arts self defense

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