Important Parenting Lessons Learned During Childbirth

Being a new mother is an experience filled with surprises. Even if you read every popular baby book and absorb every gem of advice from other moms, many things will be unpredictable. Fortunately, there’s a lot to learn about parenting from the experience of childbirth. Labor – as unpleasant as it is – offers several important lessons that you’ll remember and draw from over the years. If you know what to look for, you’ll gain key insights into your resilience and strength as a mother.

In this article, we’ll describe how the birth process can prepare you for being a mom down the road. You’ll likely discover you have reserves of endurance that will surprise you.

Anything Can (And Often Does) Happen

Being a new mother is similar to traveling down an unfamiliar road. No matter how well you plan, anything can happen. This is also true of labor, which means it’s good preparation for the unexpected circumstances that confront every parent.

For example, your obstetrician might describe the distinct phases of childbirth to expect. You may plan to have an epidural administered when the pain reaches a certain point. You might prefer a water birth or to have the father cut the cord. Having a birth plan that includes these details is valuable. But realize that any facet of your plan can change at a moment’s notice when you’re in labor. So, too, can parenting pose unexpected challenges that require flexibility.

Nothing Is Impossible

There will be plenty of times while taking care of your baby when you’ll want to throw up your arms and call it quits. The challenges of motherhood will not only seem enormous, but they’ll arrive one after another. You’ll be filled with doubts; you’ll feel as if you lack what it takes; you’ll wonder if your confidence in yourself was misplaced. This is normal. Chances are, you have far more strength than you realize. It’s a lesson you learned during childbirth.

The experience of being in labor is exhausting – both emotionally and physically. Your mind and body endure a process that seems nearly impossible in retrospect. Remember, you emerged from this process successfully. When the tasks, responsibilities, and frustrations associated with being a mom seem overwhelming, remind yourself: nothing is impossible.

Put One Foot In Front Of The Other

New parents tend to look down the road in order to make plans and anticipate unforeseen circumstances. This is a good habit to develop. Unfortunately, it can also cause unwarranted stress when there’s no perceivable light at the end of the tunnel.

When you’re in labor, it’s difficult to imagine enduring several hours of pain with any hope of getting through it successfully. For this reason, most doctors and midwives suggest focusing on the next step. Rather than thinking about the next six hours of contractions, they’ll recommend focusing on the next contraction. Focus on the next breath. Focus on the next push.

Parenting is a similar experience. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when you’re looking at your “to do” list and wondering how you’ll manage to accomplish every task. Take a deep breath and focus on the next task. Then, focus on the next one. This removes the stress and helps you devote your energy to getting things done.

Don’t Hold Back

Being a mom and caring for your baby is hard work. As much as the time you spend with her is filled with joy, it’s also filled with worry, frustration, and confusion. This is a normal process for every new parent. Be honest with yourself and others, and avoid holding these feelings inside.

You’ll learn this lesson when you’re in labor. In the delivery room, confiding in those around you is an important part of enduring the experience.

Few pregnant women realize that childbirth offers unique insight into the challenges of being a mom. During times of frustration or confusion, recalling this insight can prove invaluable.

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Category: Parenting
Keywords: childbirth, mind and body, pregnancy, being pregnant, childbirth

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