8 Fun Things You Can Do With Pagers

When it comes to emergency situations having a pager lying around can prove to be extremely useful. Whether your wife is pregnant, or you’re sitting an exam and can’t be contacted having access to pagers is a godsend. However, when your emergency situation has passed don’t resign your pager to the kitchen drawer. Here are eight fun uses for pagers in everyday life:

Say Hello

Put a smile on your friend’s face by texting them the code 07734. They’ll be perplexed as to what you mean until they turn their pager upside down and see a friendly ‘hello’.

Tell Someone You Love Them

The international code for “I love you” is 143, so why not text these numbers to a special someone and brighten up their day? Admittedly it helps if they know about the code, but even if they don’t they’ll have plenty of fun trying to crack it.

Use it for Gaming

If you like playing online games then pagers are fantastic for texting over IP addresses. If your girlfriend’s having a natter on the phone or you’re stuck with an ancient dial-up connection, then pagers are invaluable as they mean you don’t need to disconnect the phone.

Table’s Ready

Waiting in a restaurant for a table to become available can be frustrating, but for those customers with pagers, the waiting staff are able to inform you and let you know when a table’s free. Some restaurants have even gone one step further and hand out their own vibrating pagers to customers.

The Boss is Back

Are you doing something in the office that you shouldn’t be doing? Maybe you’re catching up with friends on Facebook or purchasing those must-have Mary-Jane’s online? If you need warning of when your boss is heading back into the office, pagers allow friends to text you a 911 code so that you can stop what you’re doing and get back to that spreadsheet.

Make Up Secret Codes

If you’re in a long-distance relationship you’re probably used to astronomical phone-bills. However, if you and your loved one invest in pagers you can keep in touch by developing codes that let your partner know that you’re thinking of them. Texting 279 could equate to “I miss you” whereas a 439 could simply mean “sweet dreams”.

Time for Tee

For a golfer, the golf course can let them know when it’s time to tee off by alerting people on their pagers. This means less time standing around the golf course waiting and more time in the Country Club bar.

Great for Dating

When you’re dating you might not want to give out your personal home number until you’ve decided that you really like that someone. Giving out a pager number is a safer bet and if he texts you cheeky codes then you definitely know that he’s a winner!

Junk Mail

Whether you’re applying for car insurance or simply sending off for a sample on-line, it seems that every form or website wants a copy of your home phone number. Simply put your pager number instead and that way you’ll avoid mountains of junk mail through your door.

Author Bio: Jenny Kettlewell is the Marketing Manager for Multitone Systems, a telecommunications strategy company that has provided the pagers and paging systems for organisations in the public and private sector for many years.

Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: pagers

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