The Paintballer’s Supply List

Paintballing is one of the most rapidly expanding games and sports around. Like any sport you have to have the right equipment to participate safely. When creating a supply list you have to separate it into the two types of equipment you’ll be using, disposable and reusable.

The most imperative equipment type will be in the reusable category as you’ll absolutely need them for every game you play. Accordingly, your paintball gun falls into the number one spot of this category. Your paintball marker or gun is the most important supply because it’s what you’ll use for offense and defense. Just as there are many styles of paintball there are just as many types of guns. Ranging in price and quality, a Spider is a marker that is durable and able to be utilized in most paintball scenarios.

To power the marker or gun you choose, you’ll need to attain a Co2 tank or a high pressure tank. You can’t really begin researching tanks until you have decided on a gun. The tanks range in size, shape, price and usability. So, be sure to match your tank with your gun accordingly.

Protective gear is required for all kinds of scenarios and is a necessary component. The mask is at the top of chain and should be purchased in person. Or, you can go to a local retailer and try on different masks and make your purchase online as you may be able to get a better price. However, your deciding factors should be how it fits and what level of protection it offers. Other protective equipment includes padding, boots, leg and chest guards knee pads and gloves. They are all member of the reusable supply family and can be found wherever paintball supplies are sold.

The second category of the paintball supplies list, disposable, are deemed as such because they only yield a single use before needing to be replaced. Paintballs are at the very top of this list and are as such the most important since you can’t play without them. Paintballs typically come 2,000 to a case and can range in cost dependent upon brand and of course the actual quality. When researching paintballs, remember that you will have to get a hands on feel for them before you can decide which ones are the best fit. Keep in mind that you can always upgrade once you become a more avid player.

This is list offers the necessities that no player can do without. You may need other equipment like food and refreshments and towels or rags if they aren’t covered in the cost of play. This list doesn’t offer price ranges as how much you spend will depend on what kind of equipment you decide to purchase. As a beginner, you shouldn’t focus so much on buying the biggest best brands so much as getting quality gear that will suffice for as many games as possible. As you grow as a player so will your list.

Author Bio: Mike regularly writes for, they carry such paintball equipment as a Paintball Gun and the Tippmann A-5, as well as many other items from a variety of manufacturers.

Category: Sports
Keywords: Paintball Gun,Tippmann A-5

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