7 Ways to Index Your Blog by Search Engines Within 24 Hours

So you started a new blog – now what?

Now you need an audience.

In order to attract an audience, you need search engines to bring you traffic.

In order for the search engines to bring you traffic, they need to know your blog exists.

In order for the SE to know that your blog exists, it needs to be indexed.

How do you go about it?

#1. Add your blog to YOUR OWN IGoogle, Yahoo!, and MSN RSS feed account – this will trigger the search engines to follow the RSS link back to it.

#2. Blog communities.

There are several blog communities that have good search engine rankings and if you add yours to their list, Google will have no choice but to index it.

Noteworthy: make sure you have your ducks in a row with your description, keywords, and tags. Also, list your blog in the correct category.

#3. Site Evaluation & Stats Sites.

Personally, I am not a big fan of those sites (it’s hard to rely or even trust their numbers), but they can serve a good purpose in helping you index your blog.

Once again, many of them have good Google search engine ranking and, when you check your site stats with them, they will automatically create and store a page with your site information on it.

#4. RSS Directories

List your blog with OctoFinder and FeedAdage RSS directories. Once they accept your feed, they will track your new posts and index them on their sites. You might even get some traffic through them, although I would not count on it.

#5. Social Media Sites

This is another very effective strategy of indexing your blog quickly, particularly if you use the same user name as your blog name/domain name.

For instance, many of my social media accounts are registered under “YourNetBizCafe” – consistent with my branding and theme.

#6. Article Directories

Publishing an article on sites like Squidoo, HubPages, EzineArticles (this list can be endless) will also help your blog to be indexed quickly. Obviously, make sure you use links back to your site with appropriate keyword-rich anchor text in either author resource box or throughout the article body, depending on what is allowed by the specific article directory.

#7. Misc Sites

ChangeDetection provides page change monitoring and notification services to internet users worldwide. After you provide them with your URL, they will ask you if you would like to add your page to a public directory. Obviously, say yes. Your site will then appear in their news section, which will be crawled by search engines sending them to and indexing your blog.

Technorati is a great blog directory and will definitely help you get your blog indexed. Unfortunately, it won’t happen overnight. It can take sometimes up to a couple of months for them to add your blog to their directory. So it’s not an immediate indexing strategy, but very well worth doing for long-term advantage.

Well, that’s all I can think of and trust me, it’s more than enough.

Following these tips will not only get your blog indexed within the next 24 hours, but might also bring you some traffic, which is the next big step for your brand new blog.

NOTE: you can also use most of these strategies to get ANY other site like a lead capture page listed by search engines.

By the way, the easiest way to monitor your “indexing” progress is by visiting IndexedByGoogle.com.

Happy indexing!

Author Bio: Ana Hoffman, Online Marketing & SEO Coach, invites you to discover no-nonsense free marketing training at YourNetBiz Attraction Marketing blog for ANY online business. How Do I Join YourNetBiz?

Category: Marketing
Keywords: search engine blogging blog index indexing

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