Getting Your Baby to Burp

Feeding the baby for the first time might just be one of the most exhilarating and joyous things you may do as new parents. You will probably be extremely nervous the first time, but that’s only to be expected and absolutely normal. It is because you have never done this before and would not know what to expect. The best way for you and your baby is to segue into the feeding process. First, make the baby as comfortable as possible; as familiar the baby is with your touch, the easier it will be for both of you. Then, you should begin feeding extremely gently and at a slow pace; do not rush it and do not get panicky if you feel the baby is refusing to feed. This is because it is not use to it, but gradually the baby will acclimate to the process.

After the baby finishes feeding, comes the most important step i.e. getting the baby to burp. Burping helps the baby release the air it may have swallowed; the burp may sometimes come in the form of a vomit. If the baby simply burps and there is no vomit, it doesn’t mean anything bad. If you lay the baby to sleep before it has burped, then there is the danger of it choking on its own vomit. This is why burping the baby is so important. Besides this, if the baby doesn’t burp regularly or frequently, it may cause increased gassing and spitting in the baby.

Burping the baby may sound easy, but it is not. Sometimes it proves to be extremely difficult to get the baby to burp. Following are some techniques that can help you to work out your baby’s burp:

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