Competitive Industry Standard Lighting Industry Yearn Came Out

“The competition is in fact national industry competition, development of the industry can not do without the standard formulation. All levels of government need to develop industry standards for guidance, companies need standards to guide the development of practical production and management.”

By the end of April, this newspaper Mr. Van, chief commentator a “industry standard setting without delay,” was published, causing a major industrial base in government, industry associations and large companies resonance, industry sources have said that China and Pan-home lighting industry, production, marketing and business have a fairly large scale and into the world, industry standardization and innovation in the beginning stages to the development of the urgent need to introduce relevant systems and standards, regulating the market conduct business, and continuously improve the industrial capabilities to enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of Chinese industries and enterprises.

Lighting industry, according to recent newspaper survey showed that manufacturers, general industry generally believes that the current 90% of the SMEs lack of anti-risk ability, 50% of enterprises have yet to establish innovative mechanisms, lack of high-end talent pool, imitation has become a trend within the industry, The sector most frequently mentioned person is the development of industrial standardization, improve and system of the industry standard has become the leading industry, a key factor in healthy development.90% of enterprise-scale anti-risk ability of small and medium enterprises lack.

It is understood, lighting industry and its supporting businesses about 12,000, most of which are SMEs. These SMEs, lack of resources, including inadequate funding, lack of core technology and other high-end talent. It is understood that the financial crisis raging, the town lighting companies dropped from the original 5,000 to 3,000. Although this phenomenon is the inevitable choice for industry survival of the fittest, but also from the other side reflects the majority of SMEs in the fight against the risk of weak capacity and resilience.

Shortage of capital, low technology, sustainable development of enterprises is difficult. In the survey, 80% of companies that currently own competitiveness in the industry is relatively weak, and how to make use of existing resources and to build their own core competencies, but also become the lighting business for thought.

Market performance products cheap, low-tech.

At present, the lighting industry can be divided into three levels: at the first level is based on Philips, Osram, represented by international giants. The second level is at NVC, Op, Huayi as the representatives of national well-known enterprises, In addition, compared with SMEs. Currently, the number of brands of these three positive pyramid, while the market share of three and influence of the inverted pyramid.

International giant has a strong R & D capability, excellent technology, mature brand operation experience and an advanced management system, entrenched in the domestic market with high-end brand status. Foshan lighting, although the second level of local enterprises in the manufacturing scale, distribution network, marketing and so can be compared with foreign brands, but as a core R & D resources, and foreign brands still there is a big short board. The majority of SMEs still at the initial stage of product manufacturing, product technology content is low, the value of a small premium brand. In the survey, even 10% of companies have not passed the national quality management system certification, while industry sources, such enterprises in the industry, quite a few.

Business environment needs a level playing field.

An industry the merits of the overall business environment, no doubt the industry’s development of a significant impact. Currently, there are lighting industry imitation, plagiarism and competition price war situation.

“Generally follow the trend of the industry’s situation on the innovative enterprises copying an enormous pressure. Once the best-selling new products will soon be competitors eyeing dumping after imitation, which will inevitably put pressure on original brand.” Bao as General Manager Lu Wenfeng lamp has reached such a counterfeit copy of those positive about innovation, independent research and development company harm. But only to stay competitive in the price level will reduce the profitability of product sales.

At the same time, credit has become of great concern to the industry. Not long ago, Nanchang, Li Guoping, general manager of Lotus Light Lighting, Great lighting and other electrical firms into the business, general manager Zhou Bian Xiang reporter talk to the factory in cooperation with the agency are difficult to resolve disputes. Lack of integrity, vendor disputes, as these are hampered by the shackles of normal development. 92% of the business enterprise culture is still the boss of arbitrary.

In the organizational structure, in this survey, only 45% of the enterprises established clear division of power and responsibility of the department organizational structure. In brand building, many companies focus on brand building work mostly on television, newspapers, outdoor media advertising, the lack of a clear, systematic and strategic planning. Many enterprises still have the “content with” thinking, no long-term future attempts.

In decision-making process, according to the survey, about 92% of the enterprises are still the boss arbitrary. With the development and growth of enterprises and the increasingly fierce market competition, corporate decision-making costs increased substantially, while the leader in personal wisdom and vision will inevitably have concerns about where ill, and a decision-making errors are sufficient for the company crashed out of the battlefield.

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Category: Business Management
Keywords: teak outdoor shower,aquarium led lighting,juicy couture sweatsuits,

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