Why You Should Use Brainwave Technology Over Other Methods of Hypnosis Therapy

There are many, many reasons to support the use of brainwave technology over any type of hypnosis therapy. First of all, hypnosis therapy is a questionable method because it requires or in most instances involves putting yourself under the control of another person, a therapist. Even if one is skilled enough to practice self-hypnosis, there are many dangers involved. Brainwave technology does not require the involvement of an outside source since the brain and the mind are able to work together without any assistance. This makes brainwave technology supreme over other methods of hypnosis therapy.

In hypnosis therapy, the person is placed under a ‘spell’ or in a trance-type state which can be very dangerous even if it is done by a qualified therapist. On the other hand, brainwave technology or brainwave therapy is not an intrusive method since no one else needs to be allowed to have access into one’s mind. When a person is placed under hypnosis, the mind becomes a blank slate which is at the whim of an outside person or therapist.

There is scientific evidence that brainwave technology works because only certain brainwaves are targeted for a very specific reason as opposed to the mind being open to the power of suggestion delivered by an outside force. Another problem with hypnosis is that the person being hypnotized may not be receptive to the messages which are attempting to be embedded. No methods such as this are used with brainwave technology.

In brainwave technology, there is always a specific goal regarding personal development or behavioral change in mind. During a hypnotic trance the outside force can tell the person for example ‘when you wake up you will act a certain way or exhibit the absence or presence of a certain behavior’. This type of suggestive power is never used in brainwave technology because no trance-like state is needed.

Hypnotic therapy is not concerned with the five brainwave states or levels of consciousness. In fact, there is no proof that the average therapist has even been exposed to this level of knowledge regarding how the brain and the mind really work, not to mention what can happen when one attempts to play with or manipulate the mindset.

The hypnotherapist is not concerned with whether the mind and the body are synchronized because one of the goals of hypnosis is for the body to be in a state of lethargy so that the mind and the body can become two separate entities, so to speak. One of the main premises of brainwave technology is that the mind and the body must be in a state of homeostasis so that they are completely balance with each other. For example, it is possible to take two scales connected by a wire or cable and by placing the same amount of weight in the bowl of each one, they will become perfectly balanced or equidistant from each other on the cable.

Brainwave technology can be used to enhance or heighten learning ability. When hypnosis techniques are used, no learning takes place but rather the therapist has the power to teach the person anything. One of the main tenets in the training of educators is that one can teach or present an idea to a student but you can’t make or force learning to take place. It’s about like the old saying ‘you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink’. With this thought in mind it is very easy to see why you should use brainwave technology over any method other method of hypnosis therapy.

Author Bio: Click Here to get your Free “Success Accelerator” Brainwave Cd today! Unleash your Mind Power potential to attain the lifestyle that you want. Visit http://www.MindMaximus.com and claim your Free Cd today!

Category: Self Help
Keywords: methods of hypnosis,hypnosis therapy,practice self-hypnosis,brainwave technology

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